Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 22. Portrait of William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire (1790–1858).

Property of a Gentleman

Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A.

Portrait of William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire (1790–1858)

Auction Closed

December 4, 07:09 PM GMT


300,000 - 500,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property of a Gentleman

Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A.

Bristol 1769–1830 London

Portrait of William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire (1790–1858)

oil on panel

later inscribed upper left: William Spencer; / 6th.. Duke of Devonshire. 

76 x 63.5 cm.; 30 x 25 in.

Given by the artist to the sitter's sister, Lady Georgiana Cavendish, Lady Morpeth, whose husband, George Howard, Lord Morpeth (1773–1848), succeeded as 6th Earl of Carlisle in 1825;

By descent to their son, George Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle (1802–64);

Thence by descent until sold (‘Property from Castle Howard. From the Collections of the Earls of Carlisle’), London, Sotheby's, 8 July 2015, lot 52;

Where acquired by the present collector.

An unfinished catalogue of the paintings at Castle Howard, Castle Howard Ms, 1833, p. 5, as hanging in the Dining Room;

Lady Georgiana, Countess of Carlisle, Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, Castle Howard Ms, 1837, p. 34, no. 46, as hanging in the Breakfast Room, 'Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire given to me by Lawrence'; 

G.F. Waagen, Works of Art and Artists in England, 3 vols, London 1838, vol. III, p. 325, no. 134;

Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard (4th Edition), 1845, no. 38;

Catalogue of Pictures, Castle Howard Ms, 1848, p. 20, no. 38, as hanging in the Drawing Room, 'Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire given to me by Lawrence';

G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 3 vols, London 1854, vol. III, p. 325;

J. Duthie, Manuscript Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, Castle Howard Ms, 1878, vol. I, p. 12, no. 51, as hanging in the Breakfast Room, 'This portrait was given to the 6th Countess of Carlisle by Sir Thomas Lawrence';

J. Duthie, Manuscript Catalogue of the Pictures at Castle Howard, Castle Howard Ms, 1880, vol. II, p. 12, no. 46, as hanging in the Breakfast Room;

R. Gower, Sir Thomas Lawrence, London 1900, p. 133;

Lord Hawkesbury, 'Catalogue of Portraits, Miniatures, &etc. at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, and Naworth Castle, Cumberland', in Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, for the year ending October 1903, vol. XI, Hull 1904, p. 13, no. 235.I, as hanging in the Saloon or Garden Room;

W. Armstrong, Lawrence, London 1913, p. 127;

Castle Howard Pictures, Castle Howard Ms, 1918, p. 77, no. 46; 

L. Jones, Manuscript Catalogue of Pictures at Castle Howard, 2 vols, 1926, no. 46, as hanging in the Garden Room;

K. Garlick, Lawrence, London 1954, p. 34;

K. Garlick, 'A Catalogue of the Paintings, Drawings and Pastels of Sir Thomas Lawrence', in The Walpole Society, 1964, vol. XXXIX, p. 68;

K. Garlick, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Oxford 1989, p. 179, no. 248(b), reproduced.

London, Royal Academy, 1824, no. 146.