Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2580. 吳冠中 長江山城 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Chongqing.

吳冠中 長江山城 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Chongqing


1,500,000 - 5,000,000 HKD

Lot Details


吳冠中 長江山城

設色紙本 鏡框 一九七七年作




〈世界名畫家 ─ 吳冠中〉,吳可雨編著(河北教育出版社,二〇一〇年十一月),頁145

註︰「矗立在長江、嘉陵江交匯處的長江山城氣勢雄偉,鱗次櫛比的重慶的獨特風貌舉世無雙。從造型藝術角度看,其重叠、錯落、黑白相間、垂綫的統一與橫綫的連綿構成無比豐富的建築雕塑感或雕塑建築感。」 —吳冠中

59.2 x 57.4 cm 23¼ x 22⅝ in.


Wu Guanzhong

1919 - 2010

Scenery of Chongqing

ink and colour on paper, framed

dated 1977, with 1 seal of the artist

59.2 x 57.4 cm 23¼ x 22⅝ in.

The Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong, vol. V, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, August 2007, p.71
World Famous Artist – Wu Guanzhong,
 edited by Wu Keyu, Hebei Education Publishing House, November 2010, p.145