- 655
DOW 1977 |
480 - 620 GBP
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Dow 1977 Lot 654: u. 4bn, 2vts, 2ts, 1t/hs, 1hs, 2 labels slightly stained, 3 paper seals wine stained, embossed metal capsules corroded at base, 1 capsule corroded on top and with signs of old seepage, 2 capsules with remnants of cardboard case lining stuck on, Lot 655: u. 4bn, 2vts, 2ts, 2t/hs, 2hs, 1 label very slightly worn, 1 capsule with signs of old seepage and badly damaged on top, 1 with signs of seepageVery fruity nose and great fruit on the palate. Very fine indeed with perfect balance and charm. Seems to have become younger. Lovely drinking now. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 654:12 bts (owc) 655:12 bts (owc)per lot: GBP 480-620per lot: USD 550-750per lot: EUR 520-700LYING IN GREENFORD, MIDDLESEXOffered Duty Paid onlyEstimates are per lot