拍品 55
  • 55

紅色摩洛哥革皮夾,內附筆記本及象牙細密畫,約翰·馬里亞·蒙索爾諾繪製,約1810年 | 紅色摩洛哥革皮夾,內附筆記本及象牙細密畫,約翰·馬里亞·蒙索爾諾繪製,約1810年

2,000 - 3,000 GBP


  • 紅色摩洛哥革皮夾,內附筆記本及象牙細密畫,約翰·馬里亞·蒙索爾諾繪製,約1810年
  • leather, ivory, gold
  • 皮夾:1 x 13.4 x 8.7公分;細密畫:6.2 x 4.9公分
the front and reverse with entwined banner and snake motif and tooled gold corners, the interior with two pockets, one set with a gold-framed rectangular miniature of Maximilian Joseph, Archduke of Austria-Este, wearing a white uniform with a red collar and black stock, and the star and badge of the Teutonic Order, the notebook with dedication to Count Catinelli, in Italian, signed: Massimiliano, further inscribed: Vienna, with later pencilled notes of attribution

MN 1626
PNB 845


Carlo Catinelli (1780-1869);

Prince Victor Napoléon (1862-1926);
Prince Louis Napoléon (1914-1997)


Related literature

Bernardo Falconi, Fernando Mazzocca & Anna Maria Zuccotti, Giambattista Gigola 1767–1841 e il ritratto in miniatura a Brescia tra Settecento e Ottocento, Geneva/Milan, 2001






Maximilian Joseph (1782–1863) was the fourth son of Ferdinand, Duke of Modena, and his consort, Maria Beatrice, Duchess of Massa and Princess of Carrara. From 1835 until his death he was Grand Master of the Teutonic Order of Holy Mary in Jerusalem, to which he had professed in 1806. In this miniature he wears the star and badge of the order, founded in Acre around 1190 to aid Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land.

Count Carlo Catinelli (1780–1869), a pupil of the Academy of Engineers in Vienna, pursued a varied military career. He fought at Marengo (1800) and was wounded at Caldiero (1805). After a long convalescence he returned to service under Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Este. Forced to leave the Austrian army after the Treaty of Schönbrunn (1809), which gave his birthplace, Gorizia, to France, he joined the British army in Sicily, serving under Lord William Cavendish-Bentinck. In later life he addressed the Italian question in a substantial tome, Sopra la questione italiana, first published in Italian in 1858. Catinelli was unequivocal about his viewpoint: ‘Il mio nome suona italiano; sono però per nascita e per sentimento - il lettore non tarderà  ad accorgersene -austrico’ (My name sounds Italian; however, I am by birth and feeling - the reader will not be slow in noticing - Austrian’). He viewed those seeking independence from Austria as ‘feccia del popolo’ (‘scum’) and believed that the catholic church could only survive in Italy under Austrian rule. In 1854 Emperor Franz Josef made him a hereditary knight of the Austrian Empire in recognition of his steadfast loyalty to the Austrian cause.

Johann Maria Monsorno (1768–1836), was a miniaturist favoured by the high aristocracy of Vienna. Two of his most noted works are portraits of Maria Beatrice d’Este, dated 1808, and Maria Ludovika, Empress of Austria, dated 1809, mother and sister of Archduke Maximilian Joseph (private collection, Milan, see Falconi et al, figs 11, 12).