- 913
尼泊爾 約十六世紀 勝樂金剛曼荼羅博巴 |
60,000 - 90,000 USD
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- Distemper on cloth
- 72 x 56 cm
A similar composition is seen in a Chakrasamvara mandala in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which is inscribed with a date corresponding to 1490, see Pratapaditya Pal, Art of Nepal, Los Angeles, 1985, p. 69, cat. no. P. 19. Compare also a 1534 Chakrasamvara mandala in the Newark Museum, see Pratapaditya Pal, The Arts of Nepal: Painting, Leiden, 1978, pl. 101. In both these paintings the deities in the cardinal points outside the mandala palace are presented in the same orientation as the viewer, in contrast to the present example where the deities in each corner face into the centre from the cardinal points, in the same way as many Tibetan mandala. The painting appears to be a little later in style than the LACMA and Newark examples, and probably dates to the sixteenth century while adhering to the same stylistic traditions of Kathmandu Valley painting. Chakrasamvara in union with his prajna Vajravarahi are the most popular meditation deities of Newar Buddhist initiates, and are the principal deities of the secret agam shrines in many of the Kathmandu Valley Buddhist Monasteries.