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- An archive of documents pertaining to the development of the NASA Apollo Mission Emblems, with several sample emblems included
The present lot includes material pertaining to the design and distribution of emblems for Apollo's manned missions. A series of manila folders, with the corresponding mission marked in pencil, contain: invoices from various companies (to include TRW and RCA) requesting emblems — newspaper clippings pertaining to the design of the Apollo 15 emblem, which was executed by Emilio Pucci — dozens of invoices on Grumman Aerospace Corporation letterhead — various emblem stickers and font samples — letters from various embroidery manufactures, to include A-B Emblem and Lion Brothers Company Inc., specifically regarding the debate over whom would be the "official" emblem supplier — copy of a letter from ALAN BEAN on NASA letterhead giving design specifications — various NASA photographic emblem images — 5 sample Apollo 12 emblems (three versions of Apollo 12 emblem manufactured by the Penn Emblem Company, Apollo 14 Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote "Beep Beep", Apollo 14 Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote "Beep Beep You Ass!").
A UNIQUE ARCHIVE OFFERING A GLIMPSE INTO THE RICH AND COMPLEX HISTORY OF NASA'S INSIGNIA AND EMBLEMS The archive was amassed by Lt. Lawrence J. Cervellino, who, in 1955 accepted a position with Grumman Aerospace Corporation as a Structural Flight Test Engineer. In his 40-year career with Grumman, Cervellino was directly involved with the design, production, and distribution of NASA's Apollo emblems.