拍品 1117
  • 1117

石濤(款) | 巢湖圖

30,000 - 50,000 USD
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  • Shitao
  • 巢湖圖
  • 設色紙本 立軸
  • 153 x 65.8 厘米,60 1/4 x 26 英寸
款識:百八巢湖百八愁,遊人至此不輕游。無邊山色排青影,一派濤聲捲白頭。且蹈浮雲登鳳閣,慢尋濁酒問仙舟。人生去住皆由定,始信神將好客留。波中遙望鳳崔嵬,鳳閣瑯琳臺壯哉。樓在半空雲在埜,櫓聲如過雁聲來。巢湖地陷赤烏事,四邑水滿至今災。幾日東風泊沙渚,途窮對客強徘徊。《中廟阻風登閣二首》東風阻我巢湖邊,十裡五裡一泊船。湖頭人家白鵝岸,晚風香送荷芲田。水清苔碧魚可數,金沙名地是何秊。主人愛客高且賢,下水採荷意頗堅。謂客有芲以詩贈,吾只愛詩不愛錢。採荷偏採未開全,一枝菡萏最堪憐。始信壺中別有天,插芲相向情更顛。欲開不開日復日,記程好事花當前。晚泊金沙河,田家以白菡萏一枝相送之,舟中數日不謝。與錢不受,索以詩贈。且喜無家杖笠輕,別君回首片湖明。從來學道都非住,住處天然未可成。乙亥夏月,合淝李容齋相國、與太守張見陽兩先生相招予,以昔時芝麓先生稻香樓施予為挂笠處。予性懶不能受,相謝而歸。過巢湖,阻風五、七日作此。今與張見陽道兄存□,以記予生平遊覽之一云。清湘瞎尊者原濟。鈐印:前有龍眠濟、阿長、清湘石濤、讚之十世孫阿長 鑒藏印:(葉雲谷)葉夢龍印、葉氏風滿樓印、南海葉氏雲谷家藏竹癡珍玩





Artist's inscription:
Over a hundred and eight miles in Chao Lake, a hundred and eight kinds of sorrow. The traveler who has come has not traveled with a light heart. The endless mountains form a row of blue shadows. As the roaring waves arise they resemble white hair. For now I step upon clouds to ascend the Phoenix Terrace. Listlessly I seek unfiltered wine and an immortal's boat. To leave or stay in life is a matter of destiny. I can only trust that the gods will keep the good journeyers around.
Amidst the waves I spy the craggy windswept cliffs. How monumental is the Phoenix Terrace decked in jade! It is suspended in mid-air amidst flying clouds, surrounded by the sounds of passing boats and the cries of arriving geese. The sinking of the ground beneath Chao Lake happened during the Chiwu period. The four rivers filled it and continue to flood it even now.  For days the east wind has kept us at the sandy bank. With no way to go, the travelers are forced to mill about.
Two poems on "Stayed by wind at Zhongmiao during the ascent to the Phoenix Terrace"

The east wind has kept me on the edge of Chao Lake, where boats are anchored in tens and fives. Farming families live on White Geese Bank. The night wind sends the fragrance of lotuses towards the fields. Through the clear water and verdant moss one can count the fish. In the famous place of Jinsha, what year is it now? The upstanding host is kind to his guest, insisting on entering the water to harvest the lotus. He tells the guest to pay him with a poem for a flower: "I only love poetry and do not love money." He harvests a lotus that has not fully blossomed; the single flower is forlorn and pitiable. I now believe in the paradise beyond the grotto, increasingly immersed in my fantasy as I enjoy the flower. Day after day it seems about to blossom but does not blossom. I record these memories in front of it.
Lodging at Jinsha River at night, I received a white lotus as a gift from the local farmer, who allowed my boat to anchor there for days without trouble. He refused my attempt to pay him money and asked for a poem instead.

Traveling lightly with a staff and a hat, I am pleased not to have a home. Bidding my friend farewell, I turn towards the shining lake. In my study of Buddhism I have never stayed at one place. My home is in nature, continually changing.
In the summer of yihai, Grand Chancellor Li Rongzhai and Governor Zhang Jianyang greeted me in Hebei and wanted to host me at Daoxianglou, where Master Zhili had stayed. By nature I do not like receiving favors, and I thanked them and left. I composed these poems passing through Chao Lake, where I was detained by wind for some five or seven days. Here I have shared them with brother Zhang Jianyang and memorialized an episode from my lifetime of travel.