拍品 1110
  • 1110

林良 (約1428-1494) | 寒雪山雞

120,000 - 160,000 USD
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  • Lin Liang
  • 寒雪山雞
  • 水墨絹本 立軸
  • 138.6 x 78.4 厘米,54 1/2 x 30 7/8 英寸
款識:林良。鈐印:以譱圖書 題詩堂:(莊嚴)明人作花卉寫意可分兩系:院派以林良父子為之宗,文人派以陳淳、徐渭為之主。林氏筆墨縱放,揮灑如意。不求工而見工於筆墨之外,不蘄秀而含秀於筆墨之內,信一代宗匠。開歲以來無畫可賞,今忽見此,眼為之爽,神為之旺。因記數言,以志墨緣。丙午(1966)新春,莊嚴。鈐印:莊嚴慕陵長壽(江兆申)林良妙繢同素師,峩峩草筆生奇姿。巋然五百年前畫,墨華精采如當時。寒風獵獵沉雲黑,䨮影迎風儵然白。山雞縮瑟棲石梁,不羨困倉慕山澤。澄懷瑩澈無纖塵,涵虛受物真有神。安能突兀起高手,為我更寫河山春。林良畫寒雪山雞,葉公超、莊慕陵、吳爽秋諸先生皆以為林氏精竗之作,因賦此引并書。茮原江兆申。鈐印:江兆申印、茮原(張大千)林良好寫鸞鳳孔雀鷹鸇之屬,用筆雄鷙,極為東人所喜。此寫雪裹山雞為希有也。爰翁觀同題。鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士 題簽:明林良寒雪山雞圖精品。丙午秋日,林清霓署。鈐印:清霓 邱氏家族鑒藏印:遼東邱永和藏、邱永和印、雲夢吳忠媖藏、吳忠媖印、邱扶輪印、邱扶輪藏 鑒藏印:(那志良)那志良印、心如過眼(李霖燦)李霖燦印





Zhuang Yan's inscription:
Ming painters of flowers in the xieyi style can be divided into two schools: the academic school founded by Lin Liang and his son, and the literati school represented by Chen Chun and Xu Wei. Lin's brushwork is untethered and freely expressive. Without pursuing meticulous craft, he manifests it beyond brushwork. Without pursuing refinement, he manifests it within brushwork. Truly he is the master of a generation. Since the new year I have not had a painting to enjoy. As I view this work now, my eye is much pleased, and my spirits buoyed. I have written these few words to record my encounter with the painting.

Jiang Zhaoshen's inscription:
Lin Liang's magnificent scroll equals the work of Master Huaisu, its lofty cursive brush strokes create magical forms. Stately like a mountain and created five centuries ago, the ink painting remains just as dazzling. Cold wind blows fiercely in the cloudy darkness, lifting the shadowy snow and turning it suddenly white. The pheasant shivers under the stone bridge, spiting the granary and desiring nature instead. With a pure heart, clear of defilements, [the painter] receives and captures the spirit of his object. Can he return with his skillful hand, and paint me rivers and mountains in spring?
This painting by Lin Liang of Pheasant in the Snow is regarded by Ye Gongzhao, Zhuang Wuling, Wu Shuangqiu, and other masters as one of his masterworks. I have thus written and inscribed this poetic preface.

Zhang Daqian's inscription:
Lin Liang was fond of painting phoenixes, peacocks, hawks, and the like. His brushwork has a masculine vigorous and is much beloved by the Japanese. This painting by him of a pheasant in the snow is precious.