- 1109
林良 (約1428-1494) | 秋荷雙鳧
120,000 - 160,000 USD
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- Lin Liang
- 秋荷雙鳧
- 水墨絹本 立軸
- 137.5 x 78 厘米,54 1/8 x 30 3/4 英寸
款識:林良。鈐印:以譱圖書 題詩堂:(莊嚴)林以善供奉天順內庭,著色花果精妙。尤精於水墨,烟波出沒,鳧雁嚵唼之態,頗見清澹,樹木遒勁如草書,人莫及以上昔賢月旦。今觀此幅,證以前言,信不虛也。丙午(1966)年春,莊嚴書於洞天山堂。鈐印:莊嚴、慕陵(張大千)林良傳世諸作,頗多霸悍之氣,人皆以粵派少之。此獨清潤秀拔,當為其平生合作也。丁未(1967)七月,大千居士觀因題。鈐印:張爰之印(江兆申)胡來貢云「林以善聲明初在呂紀之上,凡紀作多假書良名。」胡為明嘉靖時人,其說當有所據。此幀曾與清內府所藏林畫相校,筆墨神韻同一罏冶,可以斷為的筆真跡流傳,洵可寶也。時丙午(1966)仲夏之月,茮原江兆申觀後識。鈐印:江兆申印、椒原 題簽:明林以善秋荷雙鳧圖精品。邱永和珎藏,林清霓署。鈐印:清霓 邱氏家族鑒藏印:遼東邱永和藏、邱永和印(二鈐)、雲夢吳忠媖藏、吳忠媖印(二鈐)、邱扶輪印、邱扶輪藏畫 鑒藏印:(那志良)那志良印、心如過眼(李霖燦)李霖燦印
Zhuang Yan's inscription:
Lin Yishan served the imperial court in Beijing and was skilled at painting flowers and fruit in color. He was especially adept at using ink. In the emerging and disappearing mist, the activities of the mallards and geese are clearly seen. The tree branches are strong and tensile like cursive calligraphy. Painters now cannot compare to luminaries from the past. Seeing this scroll now gives proof that what I said before is true.
Lin Yishan served the imperial court in Beijing and was skilled at painting flowers and fruit in color. He was especially adept at using ink. In the emerging and disappearing mist, the activities of the mallards and geese are clearly seen. The tree branches are strong and tensile like cursive calligraphy. Painters now cannot compare to luminaries from the past. Seeing this scroll now gives proof that what I said before is true.
Zhang Daqian's inscription:
Among Lin Liang's various extant works, many have a fierce and brutish air, which many people to belittle as "Cantonese style." This work alone is elegant and refined. It must count among his finest works.
Jiang Zhaoshen's inscription:
Hu Laigong wrote that "Lin Yishang had a reputation above Lu Ji's. Most of Ji's works bear spurious signatures of [Lin] Liang." Hu lived during the Jiajing reign of the Ming dynasty, and his opinion must have been based in reality. Compared to the Lin Liang works in the Qing imperial collection, this painting is from the identical source in brushwork and spirit. One can be sure that it is one of his authentic surviving works, worthy of being cherished.