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AN EGYPTIAN PALE BLUE-GREEN USHABTI OF HORUDJA , 30TH DYNASTY, 380-342 B.C. | An Egyptian Pale Blue-green Ushabti of Horudja
4,000 - 6,000 GBP
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- faience
- Height 22.8 cm.
son of Shedat and priest of the goddess Neith, holding the hoe, pick, and seed-sack over his left shoulder, and wearing a braided beard curled at the tip and striated tripartite wig, his finely modeled face with lips indented at the corners, the nine lines of inscription beginning and ending at the back pillar.
Charles Ede, Ltd., London, acquired in December 1985
Anne M. Spivak, acquired from the above on August 12th, 1986
Anne M. Spivak, acquired from the above on August 12th, 1986
The tomb of Horudja and his family was discovered in 1888 by Sir William Flinders Petrie, who spent several months working in the tomb. For a lively account by Petrie of the difficult conditions under which he worked, and a mention of the public and private collections of many of the 399 ushabtis of Horudja found there, see Glenn James, Shabtis, a Private View, Paris, 2002, pp. 194- 197.