- 63
- Chaïm Soutine
- 《托腮的女子》
- 款識:畫家簽名C. Soutine(右下)
- 油彩畫布
- 41 x 33公分
- 16 1/8 x 13英寸
Mr & Mrs William H. Weintraub, New York (acquired from the above after 1944)
Estate of the above (sold: Sotheby's, New York, 5th November 1981, lot 245)
Jacob Baal-Teshuva, New York (purchased at the above sale)
Private Collection (acquired from the above)
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Maurice Tuchman, Esti Dunow & Klaus Perls, Chaim Soutine, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 1993, vol. II, no. 166, illustrated in colour p. 751
Following a decade of relative success, Soutine’s peripatetic movement about Paris gradually halted, and in 1937 he took a permanent studio at 18 Villa Seurat, which was part of an artistic community in the 14e arrondissement. Another resident of the Villa Seurat was the writer Henry Miller, who commented on his neighbour: ‘And there was Soutine who lived right downstairs from me in the Villa Seurat. By that time his bohemian days were over’ (quoted in An Expressionist in Paris. The Paintings of Chaim Soutine (exhibition catalogue), The Jewish Museum, New York, 1998, p. 110). This more settled way of life might be attributable to Soutine’s relationship with a young Jewish woman called Gerda Groth. Gerda, whom he nicknamed Mlle Garde, as she took such good care of him, moved into the Villa Seurat in 1937, was the first woman to live with the artist and provided him with a more stable way of life as well as a readily available model for paintings such as the present work.