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清十八至十九世紀 竹刻詩文筆筒 《杏谿書》款

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  • 《杏谿書》款
  • bamboo
山隱幽居竹木深,鳥歸花落晝沉沉,行人杖履多迷路,不是書聲盡處尋。春雲飛盡見青山,山下人家水一灣,任我酒船歸去晚,小橋新柳鳥聲閒 。右題畫詩二首。




The poems inscribed on the present brushpot may be translated as follows:

As a mountain hermit lives a secluded life
deep in the bamboos and trees,
Where birds come home and blossoms fall,
the day grows dark and then darker.
A traveller with a staff hobbles on
often losing his way.
Isn't it the sound of someone reciting books that he
searches for everywhere?

Spring clouds all fly away revealing green mountains,
below them someone's house (can be seen) at the bend of a stream.
I left my boat to drink wine and return home late,
At the little bridge with its young willows,
birds call intermittently.

The inscription Xingxi xie (written by Xingxi) possibly refers to the prominent poet Cheng Mengxing (1678-1747), whose sobriquet was Xingxi, and whose lines were borrowed for the decoration of this piece.