拍品 33
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Sicilia, Trapani, seconda metà del XVII secolo

80,000 - 120,000 EUR
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  • rame dorato, argento e corallo
  • Sicilia, Trapani, seconda metà del XVII secolo


Walter Padovani, Milano.


Very good condition for the age. Outside cover The central cabochon has light 0.7cm and 0.2cm chips on the edge, respectively at 3 o'clock and at 10 o'clock; natural irregularities of the coral on the horse's left side. Minor chips and irregularities on the coral scrolls as normal for the age. The guild copper and the silver are slightly dirty, with a very light consumption, normal for the age. The silver joints are partially visible. On the left back corner a minor loss of the silver leaf. The joints of the copper moulding at the border are visible. Inside The inside is covered in green material with stains, light losses at the corners and around the lock. The copper strip on the border has its joints visible and is slightly lifted; it shows light losses around the hinges. Front The grotesque coral head has light natural cracks. Minor cracks on the coral scrolls and a slight copper lifting. Minor losses on the silver borders, normal for the age. A small crack of 0.5cm under the second flower from the left. A small crack of 1cm above the last flower on the right. A light lifting of the copper under the right wing of the right caryatid. The eagles and the caryatids have light cracks normal for the age. Right side The central oval has minor losses on the silver frame. Back Minor lifting and light defect around the hinges. The joint of the lower copper frames are visible. Left side Minor defects on the silver borders and a light lifting of the copper. Back bottom panel has stains and light wood worming. The front left eagle has its left wing tip substituted. The front right eagle has on its right wing tip a minor restoration. The back left eagle, has its left wing tip substituted. The back right eagle, has on its wings' tips a minor restoration. A large segment of the copper strips, as the inside border, has been replaced.
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.


Estremamente rari sono gli esemplari giunti sino a noi di cassette in corallo di grandi dimensioni, caratterizzate dal virtuosismo scultoreo e dal contrasto di materiali lussuosi, il corallo e l’argento, opere di provenienza principesca ed eseguite su committenza aristocratica.
Questa scatola da toilette fu realizzata in legno e rivestita in rame dorato con la sovrapposizione delle decorazioni in corallo e in argento. La parte posteriore rialzata consente maggiore visibilità al coperchio che, inclinato, si mostra in tutto il suo ricco decoro: un fregio in argento cesellato e sbalzato decorato con motivi di volute, incornicia fiori in argento e corallo disposti a girali rispetto ad un medaglione centrale in corallo scolpito a bassorilievo e raffigurante una scena mitologica.
Lo stesso schema ornamentale si ripete nelle quattro facce laterali, marcate agli angoli da aquile in corallo ad ali spiegate e sormontate da cariatidi sempre in corallo e scolpite a tutto tondo.
L’interno è rivestito di seta verde e sul verso del coperchio è centrato da uno specchietto incorniciato da ovoli in corallo in questo caso retroincastrati.
L’applicazione dei coralli non più tramite la tecnica del retroincastro, ma con fili di ferro e resine (come ad esempio i medaglioni mitologici) suggerisce una datazione alla seconda metà del XVII secolo.
Per un confronto si vedano: il cofanetto della Collezione dei Conti Schoenborn illustrato da A. Daneu in L’arte trapanese del corallo, Milano 1964, p. 144, tav. XXXIII; la scatola nella Collezione del Banco di Sicilia pubblicata da E. Tartamella in L’Arte del corallo in Sicilia, Palermo 1986, p. 234, scheda 141; la cassetta conservata in collezione privata che M. C. Di Natale illustra in Splendori di Sicilia. Arti Decorative dal Rinascimento al Barocco, Milano 2001, p. 494, nn. 35-36; i tre cofanetti in collezione privata esposti alla mostra I grandi capolavori del corallo a Palazzo Valle a Catania, 2013, p. 160, cat. 88; e per finire la cassetta conservata al Museo Camillo Leone a Vercelli.

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