拍品 116
  • 116

清十八世紀 鬪彩鳳凰牡丹帶蓋梅瓶

2,000,000 - 3,000,000 HKD


  • porcelain
sturdily potted with a well-proportioned rounded shoulder tapering to a countersunk base and surmounted by a short waisted neck, the body divided into three main registers with three iron-red lines, the central frieze painted with large multi-coloured flowering peony blooms borne on a curling leafy stem meandering across the exterior and bearing floral buds above a band of angular scrolls, the lower body with a band of upright lotus petals enclosing ruyi-shaped lappets, as well as stylised trefoil and circular motifs, all below the broad shoulder decorated with a pair of phoenix soaring amidst further peony scrolls, the mythical creatures vibrantly rendered with fine plumage and multi-coloured tail feathers, between two 'classic' scroll bands, the well-fitted circular cover tapering to a domed top and surmounted by a bud finial, the sides with brightly enamelled peony blossoms wreathed by leafy stems, the top with stylised lotus lappets radiating from the finial, the finial enamelled with slender petals


相類梅瓶雖有傳世,但帶原蓋者極罕。一例缺蓋,尺寸略小,1987年3月23日售於倫敦佳士得,編號405;紐約蘇富比售出另一瓶,足上蓮瓣紋施黃彩,1981年5月8日,編號332。比較一件較大梅瓶,蓮瓣紋較寬,瓣瓣色彩相異,二度售於香港蘇富比,1991年4月30日,編號128,及2010年10月8日,編號2685;另一瓶售於倫敦蘇富比,1985年5月22日,編號191;John Buchanan 爵士舊藏亦有一帶蓋梅瓶,略大,刊於 R. Soame Jenyns,《Later Chinese Porcelain》,倫敦,1954年,圖版88。

