- 3601
明 石雕獅子一對
500,000 - 600,000 HKD
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the imposing pair superbly modelled as male and female beasts, each depicted resting on its haunches on a square lotus base elaborately carved with a central constricted beaded border between bands of petal lappets, chiselled with a snarling expression with its jaws open and teeth exposed, accented with flaring nostrils and bulging downcast eyes peering from below thick bushy eyebrows, adorned with a collar around the shoulder suspending a single bell at the front, the collar further adorned around the beast with tufts of tassels and tied with a beribboned knot with ends trailing down the back above its swayed bushy tail, the male depicted firmly clutching a beribboned brocade ball beneath its right front paw, the female resting her front left paw on a small cub
對獅雕工出眾,壯碩雄健,肌理鬃毛起伏有致、細膩逼真。自古以來,石獅乃權力象徵,多置於正門左右,鎮守驅邪。大型動物石雕傳統源於漢代,皇族陵宮前神道多沿途置成對石獸。獅子象徵力量與平安,頸掛項圈以示忠誠;置石獅於陵前神道,亦象徵封建皇權之神聖。此傳統由漢代延至清末,如江蘇南京附近之明太祖孝陵、廣西桂林之靖江王朱經扶王陵(1523年卒)、河南新鄉潞簡王墓(1614年卒)等,圖載於 Ann Paludan,《The Chinese Spirit Road》,紐哈芬,1991年,圖版234、241及244。
見一對較大類例,售於香港蘇富比2010年4月8日,編號1848。另可參考其他斷代為清朝的石獅,如 John Wannamaker 舊藏一對,售於紐約蘇富比1997年3月23日,編號178。皇家安大略博物館藏一對近例,圖載於《Homage to Heaven. Homage to Earth. Chinese Treasures of the Royal Ontario Museum》,多倫多,1992年,圖版114。