拍品 9
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Attributed to Lippo d'Andrea

15,000 - 20,000 GBP
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  • Lippo d'Andrea
  • Saint Dominic and Saint Apollonia
  • a pair, both tempera on panel


Lippo d'Andrea, formerly known as the Pseudo-Ambrogio di Baldese, was born in Florence in either 1370 or 1371. He enrolled in the Compagnia di San Luca in 1411 and in the same year worked on the fresco decoration of the facade of the Palazzo del Ceppo in Prato, alongside Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, Ambrogio di Baldese and Alvaro di Pietro. To judge by the large body of work on both a monumental and intimate scale attributed to him by scholars such as Georg Pudelko, Federico Zeri and Miklós Boskovits, Lippo must have enjoyed considerable success and renown during his lifetime, evidence of the lingering taste in Florence for a more conservative style of painting.1 The rendering of the face, the fall of the costume and the pose of Saint Dominic are directly comparable to Lippo's panel depicting Saint Jerome in the Muzeum Czartoryskich, Kraków (inv. no. NI XII-189).

1. G. Pudelko, 'The Minor Masters of the Chiostro Verde', in Art Bulletin, vol. 17, March 1935, pp. 83-9; F. Zeri, 'La mostra 'Arte in Valdelsa' a Certaldo', in Bolletino d'arte, vol. 48, 1963, pp. 245-58; M. Boskovits, 'Il gotico senese rivisitano: Proposte e commenti su una mostra', in Arte cristiana, vol 71, no. 698, 1983, pp. 259-76.

A selection of Old Master Paintings from this Collection will be presented in the Old Master Evening Sale in London on 9 December 2015.  See lots 10, 14, 16 and 23.