拍品 3124
  • 3124

漢 尚方八乳博局銅鏡 配 清乾隆 紫檀屜式盒內蓋嵌黃念歸漁圖 《尚方作鏡真大巧上有[仙]人不[知老]渴飲》銘 《臣黃念恭繪》款 「臣」「念」印

2,500,000 - 3,000,000 HKD


  • 《尚方作鏡真大巧上有[仙]人不[知老]渴飲》銘
    《臣黃念恭繪》款 「臣」「念」印
  • zitan, bronze
comprising a zitan box bordered along the edges with a key-fret band, constructed with a slidable rectangular panel forming the opening of the box; a circular zitan panel centred with a circular aperture, well carved on one side with four phoenix soaring amidst leafy floral scrolls, the other side mounted with a painting depicting a tranquil riverscape with rocky cliffs and a fisherman on a boat, inscribed with chen Huang Nian gonghui and terminating with two seal marks reading chen and nian respectively; and a bronze 'TLV' mirror with a crispy cast back centred with a knob within a square border, all surrounded by eight studs in the outerfield interspersed with the Four Spirit Animals, Daoist immortals and various animals and birds, all within a band with a faintly discernible inscription reading Shang Fang zuo jing zhen da qiao, shang you [Xian] ren bu [zhi lao], he yin ('this mirror made by the Shang Fang truly is very fine. Upon it are [immortlas] who do not [know old age] ... quench their thirst...'), delineating Han dynasty's reverence of the immortals, the circular edge bordered with three geometric bands, the bronze with a silvery-grey patina



尚方,乃漢朝御器作坊,《漢書》有載。所作鏡鑑,乃御器禁物,然民間後漸採其形飾,且鑄銘文相若,實卻與內府無干。博局紋,又稱規矩紋。東京國立博物館藏鑑,上飾相類博局紋,銘有「刻婁[鏤]博局去不羊[祥]」之句,引證博局紋原取六博棋具之式,圖見西田守夫,〈「方格規矩鏡」の図紋の系谱―刻婁博局去不羊の銘文をもつ鏡について―〉,《MUSEUM》,第427號,東京國立博物館,東京,1986年,頁31。漢時,興神仙信仰,與仙人六博之圖說盛行,以博局紋入鏡,添飾神獸佳銘,聚祥引瑞,古人嚮往之博山仙境,彷彿活現鏡中。有關博局與仙人信仰之討論,見曾藍瑩,〈再現與挪僭:論漢代的博局紋鏡〉,《Early China》,第29卷,柏克萊,2004年,頁163-215。



