拍品 193
  • 193

唐 / 五代 邢窰白釉瑞獸紋執壺

60,000 - 80,000 USD
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  • ceramics
the ovoid body rising from a solid foot to a tall trumpet neck, set to one side with a mythical beast standing on the shoulder peering over the rim forming the handle, and to the other a short spout formed as the mouth of a mythical beast, covered overall in a thin white glaze stopping at the foot, the unglazed base revealing the white body


See a related white-glazed ewer illustrated in R.L. Hobson, The George Eumorfopoulos Collection Catalogue of Chinese, Corean, and Persian Pottery and Porcelain, London, vol. 1, 1928, pl. LXXIV, no. 503; and two ewers of related form but of much smaller size, in Bo Gyllensvard, Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe Collection, Stockholm, 1964, pls. 287 and 288, and subsequently sold in our London rooms, 5th November 2008, lot 439.