拍品 2
  • 2

鎏金及包漿銅人物造型十臂大燭台一對 巴黎,十九世紀五十至七十年代,隨讓·米歇爾·克羅蒂昂之款式



  • bronze, granite
  • 高 3 英尺 8 英寸
  • 118 公分





A design for a closely related girandole, standing upon a strigally-fluted pedestal and undoubtedly executed under the direction of the marchand-mercier Dominique Daguerre around 1787, is in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris. These candelabra and matching pedestals, from a suite of eight, were supplied by Daguerre through the architect Henry Holland for George, Prince of Wales, later George IV's used in the Grand Reception Room at Carlton House in 1794 . Four of these candelabra, of exactly this model but with only six branches, remain in the collection of H.M. The Queen at Buckingham Palace, London. 
During the Empire period, the maréchaux Berthier and Lannes owned candelabra of this model, whilst somewhat later, the marchands Monvoisin and the fabricants Beurdeley and Dasson are known to have produced copies for the grands amateurs of the late 19th Century.
Of the known examples of this model, two pairs, formerly at the Palais des Tuileries before the fire of 1871, are now in the Musée  du Louvre, Paris; another pair, dating from the end of the 19th Century, was recorded before 1914 at Ostankino, Moscow, Russia; and a final pair was exhibited in the 19th Century at the Royal Palace in Madrid.