拍品 56
  • 56

黑檀木鑲銅鎏金及桃花心木供桌/圖書櫃一對,均印上Jacob D. R. Meslée 印章,銅鎏金部分傳為法國頂級鑄銅師皮耶·菲利普·托米耶(1751-1843年)製, 帝國時期,約1803-1809年作

250,000 - 400,000 GBP
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  • marble, mahogany, ebony, gilt-bronze
  • 各高106公分,寬98公分,深43.5公分;3尺 5¾寸,3尺2½寸,1尺5¼寸
each with a rectangular bleu turquin marble top above a recessed ebony veneered frieze mounted with a band of ribbon-tied torchères suspending berried laurel leaves interposed by a winged cherub head with scalloped collar with similarly mounted sides, the pilaster front supports with lotus leaf cast collars mounted with a stylised wheatsheaf above stylised carnations and flowers issuing from an acanthus cast baluster vase with a backboard and pierced trelliswork sides intersected by roundels on a platform base, the pilasters mounted with laurel leaf bands on the base, each with the marque au fer R15 underneath the frieze, with eight mahogany veneered brackets for shelves (now missing);


1821年2月1日,巴黎著名家具名匠雅各·德斯馬泰(Jacob-Desmalter) 將本品送至巴利公爵夫人瑪麗·卡洛琳(Marie-Caroline, Duchesse de Berry)(1798-1870年)位於巴黎近郊伊夫林省羅尼塞納河鎮(Rosny-sur-Seine)的羅尼堡(見圖1),置於堡內的沙龍廳。

1830年後移送至公爵夫人位於奧地利格拉茨的布倫湖宮(Schloss Brunsee);




Recorded in the Archives nationales, `Mémoire de Fournitures faites et livrées au Château de Rosni pour le compte de Son Altesse Royale Madame la Duchesse de Berry  par Jacob Desmalter & Cie fabts. de meubles et bronzes rue Melée no. 57 , Salon des Princes on 1st February 1821:
"Deux consoles formant bibliothèques en acajou massif et ébène, de 3 pieds 2 pouces de haut sur 3 pieds de large, la devanture à pilastres avec socle de 3 pouces 6 lignes de haut et frise au-dessus surmontée d'une corniche profilant tout au pourtour, la devanture et les côtés de la frise sont avec fonds en ébène ornés de balustres et guirlandes en bronze accompagnés de rubans et de têtes de zephirs, le chapiteau et la base du pilastre sont en bronze ornés de feuilles à refends faisant le retour d'équerre sur les côtés; lesdits sont d'une composition très riche, la devanture des pilastres est avec fonds en ébène enrichis d'ornements arabesques, les côtés sont avec croisillons orné de clous antiques, les pilastres de derrière sont de même avec chapiteaux et bases en bronze, les dessus en marbre bleu turquin de 17 lignes d'épaisseur, tous les bronzes du plus beau choix fondus, ciselés, découpés et dorés au mat et or bruni avec le plus grand soin, tous le bois poncé et verni de même 1000 francs (each one): 2000 francs"  reproduced here in figs. 2 and 3. 

`Record of Furnishings made and delivered to the château de Rosni for the account of Madame the Duchesse de Berry by Jacob-Desmalter & Cie, makers of furniture and bronzes, rue Melée no. 57, Salon des Princes:
Two consoles forming bookcases made of mahogany and ebony, the front pilasters with pedestals measuring 3ft. 2in high and 3ft wide, on top of which is a frieze surmounted by a cornice which goes all the way around the edges and corners of the piece, the front and the sides of the frieze have an ebony ground decorated with bronze balusters and garlands, as well as ribbons and zephyr heads, the capital and base of the pilaster are in bronze and decorated with leaves, the former are of a very rich composition, the sides have trelliswork with old nails, the front of the pilasters have a ground of ebony decorated with arabesque ornaments, the rear pilasters also have capitals and bases in bronze, the tops in a bleu turquin marble (1½in. thick); all bronzes are of the finest casting, chasing, engraving and gilded in matt gold and burnished with the greatest care, all the wood has been sanded and varnished, each one costing 1000 francs : 2000 francs.'


In very good conserved condition and can be placed immediately. Exceptional quality casting and chasing of the mounts and beautiful mahogany veneers. Old very minor marks,chips and scratches to the marble tops commensurate with age and normal usage. The marble tops would benefit from a light clean according to taste. There are some hairline splits in the ebony veneer which are hardly noticeable and commensurate with age. There are some very minor age cracks and chips to the mahogany veneer which are hardly noticable and one platform base has more marks and scratches than the other with a few deep scratches and some scuffing to both which is normal.
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue.


這對瑰麗豪華的供桌配有精緻絕倫的鑲銅鎏金雕刻,展現雅各•德斯馬泰(Jacob-Desmalter)為皇室及貴族精製作品之巔峰造詣。桌上附有代表羅尼堡的「R15」鑄印。根據庫存紀錄,德斯馬泰於1821年2月1日將本品送至巴利公爵夫人瑪麗·卡洛琳(Marie-Caroline, Duchesse de Berry)(1798-1870年)位於巴黎近郊的羅尼堡,置於堡內的沙龍廳(Salon des Princes)。羅尼堡是巴利公爵夫人最喜歡的宅邸,於1818年購入後隨即重新佈置,更為工程精研設計規劃。她無疑是宮廷社交圈内的軸心,人人爭相模仿,視她為潮流指標。巴利公爵夫人於1830年後,將作品移送至其奧地利格拉茨的布倫湖宮(Schloss Brunsee),她下嫁埃托雷‧盧凱西‧帕里伯爵(Count Ettore Lucchesi Palli)為其第二任丈夫,供桌並因此成為盧凱西‧帕里家族之收藏。紀錄中並無其他作品能與此供桌匹敵,更強調了巴利公爵夫人精闢獨到之典範,實是絕無僅有。作品中部分銅鎏金傳由皮耶•菲利普•托米耶(Pierre-Philippe Thomire)(1751-1843)所製,經過微小調整後,可於德斯馬泰的製作中所見。托米耶是帝國時期知名顯赫的銅匠名家,以其鑲銅鎏金之超卓品質而享負盛名。