拍品 305
  • 305


200,000 - 400,000 CHF


  • 6239型號「COSMOGRAPH DAYTONA PAUL NEWMAN」極罕有精鋼計時鏈錬帶腕錶備變色測速計,年份約1969,錶殼編號2003057。
  • steel
  • 直徑38毫米,厚14毫米,錬帶圓周165毫米
• 手動上弦擒縱機芯722-1,17顆寶石 • 紅白棕三色錶盤,立體方形時標,夜光條狀指針,三個車床雕刻小錶盤顯示秒速、30分鐘及12小時計時,外環五分之一秒細分刻度 • 霧面及亮面蠔式錶殼,鋼製錶圈設200個刻度,旋入式錶背蓋、錶冠及按鈕 • 錶殼、錶盤及機芯印有品牌標誌 • 備勞力士精鋼蠔式錬帶

* 拍品資料以英文圖錄為準。


Please note that the movement has not been checked for timekeeping accuracy and Sotheby's will not be held responsible for any repairs should they be require. Movement is in working order while cataloguing but the zero-back system is not resetting to zero properly. Dial in good conditions with registers faded into a brown shade and the outer minute and second divisions in red changed into light red. Luminous dots are missing. Case in good condition. Overall it is a very rare model due to its colour changed registers.
"In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. All dimensions in catalogue descriptions are approximate. Condition reports may not specify mechanical replacements or imperfections to the movement, case, dial, pendulum, separate base(s) or dome. Watches in water-resistant cases have been opened to examine movements but no warranties are made that the watches are currently water-resistant. Please note that we do not guarantee the authenticity of any individual component parts, such as wheels, hands, crowns, crystals, screws, bracelets and leather bands, since subsequent repairs and restoration work may have resulted in the replacement of original parts. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue. In particular, please note it is the purchaser's responsibility to comply with any applicable import and export matters, particularly in relation to lots incorporating materials from endangered species.NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE SALE CATALOGUE."

**Please be advised that bands made of materials derived from endangered or otherwise protected species (i.e. alligator and crocodile) are not sold with the watches and are for display purposes only. We reserve the right to remove these bands prior to shipping.

Important Notice regarding importation into the United States of Rolex watches
Sotheby's cannot arrange for the delivery of Rolex watches to the United States because U.S. laws restricts the import of Rolex watches. The buyer or a designated agent may collect the property in the country of sale."


此品所備之錶盤被勞力士收藏家稱為「Paul Newman」,其計時小錶盤及外環分鐘刻度均有非常獨特亮眼的變色效果。在所有6239型號計時腕錶當中,此品是Daytona愛好者眼中最精美難尋的「棕色錶盤」。收藏家及專家在近年都留意到,有些錶盤因時日已久出現罕有而且不尋常的變色及呈銹色,此品便是當中的佼佼者。

這非凡的「Paul Newman」錶盤比任何其它品牌或型號都更能承受年月帶來的變色和銹色,乃至因而更別具韻味和風格。故此,有不少收藏家熱衷追求最完美的變色錶盤,近年相關拍賣會上的驕人成交價紀錄便是一例,2010年11月一枚6263/6239型號備棕色蠔式錶盤腕錶在日內瓦蘇富比拍賣會上以464,500瑞士法郎成交。
