- 52
明十六 / 十七世紀 銅瑞獸觥 《宣用》款
500,000 - 800,000 HKD
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- 《宣用》款
- bronze
powerfully cast in the form of a mythical beast carrying a conch on its back, the vessel's rim modelled with a tall incurved shield in front and a flared spout towards the back, the mythical creature formed of the head of a dragon, the winged body of an aquatic bird, and the legs and claws of a bird of prey, its finely incised mane extending flambloyantly each side of the head and its plastron feathers spiralling down the sides, naturalistically dressed overall in a finely incised plumage and flanked by upswept wings envelopping the conch, the base incised with a two-character archaistic mark xuan yong, the bronze richly patinated to a deep reddish-brown colour, carved wood stand
本品晚明銅瑞獸觥,取源青銅古器,兼借漆、瓷、牙、玉,獨創奇巧形飾,品讚尤珍。銅觥相較略罕,本品角盃之式源出於玉。其玉者,漢已有之。可參考一作例,出土於廣州西漢南越王墓,錄《中國美術全集:玉器9》,北京,1991年,圖版153。有明一朝,已見玉觥,多雕魚龍。然本品馱觥瑞獸,獸面鳥身,高展鵬翅,身下利爪,爪間連蹼,品樣甚奇。此等瑞獸可見於少數西周晚期青銅尊。如見一尊例,曾售紐約蘇富比2005年3月31日,編號154。另見一例,出土於陝西長安張家坡西周早中期遺址,錄Jessica Rawson,《Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections》,卷IIB,華盛頓,1990年,圖版119.3。