Monumental art installations recontextualized

Dia Art Foundation, founded in 1974, is committed to supporting and preserving extraordinary art projects, particularly those that are difficult to display in traditional museums due to their size or conceptual nature. Dia Beacon opened in May 2003 in Beacon on the Hudson River, 60 miles north of New York City, and occupies a former industrial building. Its skylit galleries and vast, open spaces make it ideal for displaying large-scale artworks. The focus of the permanent collection is on minimalist, conceptual and land art from the 1960s up to the present with major pieces by Bruce Nauman, Robert Smithson, Louise Bourgeois and Andy Warhol. Dia also maintains several long-term, site-specific projects including Walter De Maria’s “The New York Earth Room” (1977) and “The Broken Kilometer” (1979), Max Neuhaus’s “Times Square” (1977), Joseph Beuys’s “7000 Eichen (7000 Oaks)” (1988), and Dan Flavin’s “untitled (1996)”, all of which are in Manhattan. Dia additionally presents temporary installations, performances, lectures and readings on West 22nd Street in New York City.
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