Mid-Autumn falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and it is at this time that the moon will be at its brightest and fullest. This moon has a special meaning because its completeness is a reminder of returning home and reuniting the whole family. At this time, family members gaze up at the night sky, together sharing this moment of the moon in all its eternal beauty, and drinking to the harmony of family life.
“May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are hundreds of miles apart.”
For horologists, the phases of the moon connect to the very origins of timekeeping, and there’s no better way to pay tribute to the approaching Mid-Autumn moon than looking to a moon-phase display. There is poetry in the unity of solar and lunar rhythms, together guiding the passage of the seasons even before the advent of watches, serving as a reminder of the steadfast flow of time. In celebration of the Mid-Autumn holiday, below are five elegant selections with moon-phase complications from this autumn’s Important Watches auction at Sotheby’s Hong Kong.