The Celebration of the English Watch

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In The Celebration of the English Watch, Sotheby’s London will present the largest and most important collection of English pocket watches to ever come to the market. Spanning 400 years, this collection’s 314 lots will be offered over four auctions. As Tim Bourne, Sotheby’s Worldwide Head of Watches notes, “Timepieces like these are not only exceptional watches, they are pieces of history.”

Part I: David Ramsay and the First Clockmaker’s Court
15 December 2015 | London

Part II: John Harrison’s Enduring Discovery
7 July 2016 | London

Part III: The Genius of Thomas Tompion
20 September 2016 | London

Part IV: George Daniels, 20th Century Innovator
6 July 2017| London

The Celebration of the English Watch
