Richard Feynman and His Legendary Van Make Appearance at Geek Week Reception

27 November | New York
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Sotheby’s kicked off its first Geek Week on 27 November with a themed celebration in our galleries. Popping candy-covered Rice Krispies Treats and bubbling Champagne were festive touches to be enjoyed while guests viewed otherworldly property from the Space Exploration auction. Also on view was the History of Science & Technology sale, which features the Nobel Prize and papers of Richard P. Feynman. The night was made for fans and admirers of the beloved American physicist – not only was his customized Dodge Tradesman Maxivan, adorned with the scientist's iconic particle diagrams, parked in Sotheby’s lobby, but there were also two distinct opportunities to see Feynman in action. The first: a screening of Richard P Feynman – The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, produced by Christopher Sykes for BBC Horizon; the second: a virtual reality lecture by Feynman, in his own voice, made possible by the California Institute of Technology and the Moore Foundation. Ahead, view images from the reception. –Stephanie Sporn

Richard Feynman and His Legendary Van Make Appearance at Geek Week Reception
