Luke Edward Hall's Top 10 Prints & Multiples


Luke Edward Hall seamlessly blends the worlds of art and design, from exhibiting his drawings to collaborating with companies including Burberry and Stubbs & Wootton to interior decorating to establishing his own popular lines of fabrics and furnishings. "The creative process is the same whether I’m painting on canvas, designing a fabric or decorating a vase," he says. "These days I don’t think it’s terribly important or interesting to point out what qualifies as art and what doesn’t." We spoke with Hall (who charmingly describes his aesthetic as "Greco-Roman meets crumbling English country house with a dash of Palm Springs") about his favourite works in our upcoming Prints & Multiples Online auction.

Prints & Multiples Online
17–31 March | New York

PHOTO: Rebecca Reid

Luke Edward Hall's Top 10 Prints & Multiples
