The sale of David Bowie’s art collection drew bidders to a packed saleroom, and attracted more than a thousand online bidders, for three highly-anticipated auctions of works amassed by the legendary musician. A total of 59 new records for artists were set over the course of two days with an overall sale total of £32.9 million. The sale followed a series of exhibitions around the world that attracted more than 55,500 visitors to view the wide range of works. Speaking after the sale, Oliver Barker, Chairman, Sotheby’s Europe, said: "David Bowie’s personal art collection captured the imagination of the tens of thousands who visited our exhibitions and the thousands who took part in the sales. Sotheby’s is truly honoured to have had the opportunity to share this collection with the world and, in doing so, offer a fresh insight into the creative mind of one of the greatest cultural figures of our time." Click ahead to see highlights.