This was Disney's third animated feature film. It has eight segments, which are all set to pieces of classical music. Disney had been working on a complex Silly Symphonies style short animation, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which was to be released to boost Mickey's popularity. However, the cost of producing this animation proved too high, and so he decided to incorporate it in this full length feature. Fantasia was the first commercial film shown in stereophonic sound. The film was released in America in 1940, and unfortunately could not been shown in Europe until after World War II. This sweet poster for Fantasia focuses on Mickey in his central role as the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Belgium posters pre-World War II were significantly larger than this poster. However during and after World War II, owing to paper shortages, smaller sized posters were produced. Eventually different slightly larger posters were re-introduced, however they never were the same size as those produced pre-war. An extremely rare poster, with only a very few copies known to have survived.