Contemporary, Impressionist, Modern & Surrealist Art Sales Total £170.9

4 – 12 February | London
Sotheby’s February 2020 sales of Impressionist, Modern, Surrealist and Contemporary Art achieve a total of £170,866,634. Highlights included David Hockney's sumptuous portrayal of Californian living, 'The Splash', which sold for £23,117,000, and a pointilliste masterpiece by Camille Pissarro, 'Gelée blanche, jeune paysanne faisant du feu', which sold for £13.3 million.

Auctions & Exhibitions

Exhibitions on view from 10 January – 11 February

Contemporary Art Results

Evening Auction

Impressionist, Modern & Surrealist Results

Evening Sale
Day Sale

Exhibition Information

An exhibition of works will be on view and open to the public at our London galleries from:
29 January–11 February
Monday–Friday | 09:00AM–04:30PM
Saturday–Sunday | 12:00PM–5:00PM

For more information, please contact or +44 7293 5000

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