How it Works
Sotheby’s is the premier global destination for Modern & Vintage Chanel Bags and Chanel Jewelry. We also accept select Chanel Couture and Chanel Haute Couture for consignment. We make it simple to sell your Chanel bag since we offer free estimates and market your items to our global buyers in 85 countries.
We have multiple ways to sell Chanel including auction, marketplace and private sale. To request a free estimate, simply submit images and information to Sotheby's through our easy-to-use online form. Our fashion specialists will review your submission and issue preliminary estimates for items that can be accepted for consignment.
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Selling Chanel Made Simple
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Chanel at Sotheby's
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Sotheby’s is the best place to sell Chanel bags due to the large global buyer base and history as the most trusted seller of fine art since 1744. If you are wondering where to sell a Chanel bag, Sotheby’s curated online marketplace is ideal. Sell Chanel bags online with Sotheby’s. How to sell Chanel bag is an easy answer with Sotheby’s. We make the process easy with free estimates and shipping. Selling Chanel bag is easy with Sotheby’s. Best place to sell Chanel is on Sotheby’s online marketplace. Sell Chanel bags with Sotheby’s easy online form. Sell Chanel bags with the original box in pristine condition at Sotheby’s. Also sell vintage Chanel bag or vintage Chanel jewelry in excellent condition. Consign Chanel jewelry and Chanel couture apparel. As one of the largest global Chanel resellers, Sotheby’s is your trusted selling partner. Sotheby’s is the best place to sell a Chanel bag for the best price due to our large global buyer base and multiple selling channels. Selling a Chanel bag is easy and fast with Sotheby’s. Sell your Chanel bag on Sotheby’s marketplace or auction. Chanel bags for sale at Sotheby’s. How to sell Chanel couture, sell Chanel Haute Couture, Sotheby’s specialists can help.