Giardino di Boboli

Florence | Italy

Home to a collection of sculptures from the 16th–18th centuries, and Roman antiquities

The Boboli Gardens is a park in Florence that is also home to a collection of sculptures dating from the 16th through the 18th centuries, with some Roman antiquities. The Boboli Gardens were laid out for Eleonora di Toledo, the wife of Cosimo I de' Medici. The name originates from the "Bogoli", a family from whom land had been bought to construct the garden. The first stage had scarcely begun by Niccolò Tribolo before he died in 1550, but was continued by Bartolomeo Ammannati, with contributions in planning from Giorgio Vasari, who laid out the grottos, and Bernardo Buontalenti, who designed the sculptures. The elaborate architecture of the grotto in the courtyard that separates the palace from its garden is by Buontalenti.

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