2 023 marks the 50th anniversary of Sotheby’s in Asia, where we were the first international auction house to establish a permanent presence in the region with the opening of our Hong Kong office. Today, Sotheby’s is much more than an auction house. Sotheby’s is destination for cultural expertise and appreciation. It is a hub for the most discerning collectors and lovers of fine arts and luxury in Asia as well as a gateway for the rest of the world to discover the cultural heritage and creativity of Asia.
To commemorate this momentous occasion, our anniversary year is overflowing with extraordinary events, exhibitions, and landmark auctions set to take place throughout the region. From Sotheby’s Jewels, we are pleased to present Magnificent Jewels: Part I, where we have curated some of the finest jewels in the world for a celebration of a legacy. The auction is led by fantastic coloured diamonds such as The Pink Dawn: a 10.05 carat Fancy Vivid Purplish Pink diamond and a 5.49 carat Fancy Intense Blue diamond, with rare coloured stones including a 5.05 carat The Mogok Sunrise and a 80.26 carat Burmese Sapphire necklace of royal blue colour. Impressive and iconic signed pieces by Bulgari, Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co. and Van Cleef & Arpels can be discovered alongside ever sought-after jadeite jewels including a lavender jadeite bead necklace. From antique jewels to modern treasures, Magnificent Jewels: Part I will be one to discover.
為紀念這段跨越半世紀的精彩歷程,蘇富比將舉行五十周年品牌活動,在亞洲各地舉辦涵蓋不同門類的拍賣、展覽及活動。蘇富比「瑰麗珠寶 I」拍賣甄選超凡絕艷的珠寶首飾,與藏家分享傳承歷史的自然瑰寶和經典設計。這次拍賣由兩枚矚目迷人的彩鑽戒指領銜,分別是10.05克拉「粉耀晨曦」艷彩紫粉紅色鑽石戒指及5.49克拉濃彩藍色鑽石戒指;其他珍稀珠寶包括5.05克拉「莫谷驕陽」紅寶石戒指及80.26克拉緬甸「皇家藍」藍寶石項鏈,以絢麗絕色為春季拍賣拉開序幕。同場尚有寶格麗、Schlumberger 蒂芙尼及梵克雅寶等世家精品,以及頂級翡翠首飾:其中一條天然紫色翡翠珠鏈色澤鮮濃純正,令人一見難忘。各式古董珠寶和現代經典設計,將於今春在香港蘇富比瑰麗登場。
Iconic Design
Important Gemstones
Elizabeth Taylor’s Sapphire Brooch
Coloured Diamonds/ Diamonds
Special thank you to Blanc de Chine for the generous support for our themed photoshoot. All photo credits: Egill Bjarki.