otheby’s is pleased to present our first sale of Impressionist & Modern Art in 2021, open for bidding online from Monday, 1 March, until Thursday, 11 March. We are delighted to offer works from several distinguished private domestic and international collections, including pieces from the esteemed collection of Ezra & Cecile Zilkha and two works formerly in the collection of Charmion von Wiegand. The sale also includes a series of accessible works on paper offered without reserve by dynamic artists of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. Excellent examples of the School of Paris by Jean Dufy, Jean-Pierre Cassigneul, and Louis Valtat are complimented by an exciting bronze by modernist sculptor Alexander Archipenko, as well as a rare edition by Man Ray and many other Surrealist gems.

– Alexander Archipenko, Fifty Creative Years, 1908-1958, New York, 1960, pp. 52.
Springtime Bouquets
Evocative Landscapes
Accessibly-Sized Sculpture