History of Science & Technology, Including the Life and Letters of Richard P. Feynman, and Space Exploration
Online Auction: 6–13 December 2022 • 3:00 PM EST • New York

History of Science & Technology, Including the Life and Letters of Richard P. Feynman, and Space Exploration 6–13 December 2022 • 3:00 PM EST • New York

T he History of Science & Technology, Including the Life and Letters of Richard Feynman, and Space Exploration brings together superlative items from the most important scientific and cultural developments of the 19th and 20th centuries. Items related to World War II and the Manhattan Project figure prominently in the sale, such as: the 1927 Physics Nobel Prize of Arthur Holly Compton, a key figure in the Manhattan Project who oversaw the creation of the first nuclear reactor; the wartime correspondences of Richard Feynman, including an eyewitness account of the first nuclear bomb test and a remarkable letter describing the atmosphere at Los Alamos after the Hiroshima bombing; a fully operational WWII Enigma I machine in an extremely rare green Panzerholz case, as well a German Navy (“Kriegsmarine”) Signalbuch. Also on offer are important items from the history of computing, including two adding machines from 19th century France, two Apple Computer prototypes from the early 1980s, two different Apple Computer signs, as well as a signed letter from Steve Jobs to a computer store owner in late 1976, hustling to sell a few Apple-1 computers just as the company was getting off the ground. A comprehensive, one-of-a-kind collection of letters and memos from Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine lab, as well as a vial from the original run of the vaccine, are also available. For those interested in space and space exploration, an incredible collection of NASA photographs signed by various astronauts including Neil Armstrong, as well as a flown Hydrosuit from Soyuz 10, will also be offered.

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