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S otheby’s Wine is pleased to present the Burgundy Only | A Magnificent Single Owner Cellar. This sale comprises 196 lots, from a single private cellar that features a selection of the most desired names from Burgundy. The most popular Domaines featured include DRC, Leroy, D’auvenay, Prieure Roch, Armand Rousseau, Bizot, Liger-Belair, Vogue, Roumier, Coche Dury, Leflaive, Ramonet, and many more. Curated by a dedicated connoisseur with a keen eye for the best, this collection is sure to have global appeal.
蘇富比洋酒部欣然呈獻「情迷布艮地|單一藏家珍酩窖藏」拍賣,呈獻196件拍品,全部來自一位對布艮地情有獨鍾的愛酒之士。這位藏家經年累月、精挑細選,方集成這個頂級布艮地私人窖藏。拍品大多來自炙手可熱的布艮地名莊,包括羅曼尼康帝、Leroy、D’auvenay、Prieure Roch、Armand Rousseau、Bizot、Liger-Belair、Vogue、Roumier、Coche Dury、Leflaive 和 Ramonet。這次拍賣凝聚了布艮地風土的精華,相信各位善鑑識珍之士定可從中找到心儀佳釀。

Amassed over 15 years by a dedicated connoisseur with a discerning taste on the finer things in life, all wines in this sale were either purchased on release from reputable wine merchants or from auctions, mostly from Sotheby’s. Mostly from Single owner collections such as Tran-scend-ent Wines in April 2019 and The Summit in July 2020. Wines have been stored at Crown Wine Cellars prior to inspection by the auction team in April 2022.