T his season’s Arts d'Asie sale, to be held on 14 June during Printemps Asiatique in Paris, features a vast spectrum of paintings, ceramics, sculptures and jades spanning the length and breadth of Asia.
Highlights of the sale include Buddhist and Hindu sculptures of superlative quality including the personal collection of Indian and Himalayan art from the late Robert Willocx; Chinese paintings and calligraphy; classical huanghuali furniture; Song ceramics, and Qing dynasty porcelain. Nguyễn Phan Chánh's chef d'oeuvre Les Chanteuses de Campagne is the highlight of a Vietnamese painting section, which also features works by Lê Phổ, Vũ Cao Đàm and Mai Thrung Thứ.
本季巴黎蘇富比亞洲藝術拍賣將於6月14日舉行,作為巴黎亞洲藝術週Printemps Asiatique的壓軸,拍品涵蓋亞洲繪畫、陶瓷、雕塑和玉器。

The Late Robert Willocx (1932-2024) Collection of Indian and Himalayan Art | 羅伯特‧維勒斯(1932-2023)印度及喜馬拉雅收藏
Dr. Robert Willocx represented the very essence of curiosity. A Belgian humanist for whom life was an endless quest of discovery and uncovering the secrets of the world, his interest in Asian art emerged from his many journeys to the region. This interest blossomed during a golden age for Belgian collectors, with renowned dealers such as Claude de Marteau, Al Farahnick, Louisa Muller and Gisèle Croës all opening art galleries in Brussels. The large fifteenth-century Tibetan gilt-bronze Guhyasamaja (lot 16), purchased from de Marteau circa 1975; the charming Tibetan Avalokiteshvara of the same period (lot 1), or the finely cast seventeenth-century Bodhisattva, possibly a Manjushri from the Tashikitsel workshop (lot 7), all bear homage to Dr. Willocx’s discerning eye for quality. Several pieces from the collection hint at Dr. Willocx’s passion for medicine, including the rare Tibetan thangka depicting Bhaisajyaguru, the Medicine Buddha, painted in the atelier of famed artist Choying Gyatso (lot 6), and a rare eighteenth-century example of the purification deity Vajradaka (lot 11).
羅伯特·維勒斯博士,乃比利時人文主義者,畢生秉持好奇之心,探求世間奧秘。自1950年起,維勒斯遊歷亞洲,遂萌發對亞洲藝術之興趣。知名骨董商克勞德·德‧馬圖、Al Fahranic、露易莎·穆勒及吉賽爾等當時相繼於布魯塞爾設藝廊,堪稱亞洲藝術收藏之黃金時代。約於1975年,維勒斯自德‧馬圖處購得十五世紀鎏金銅密集金剛像(拍品16);又得同時代藏傳銅鎏金嵌綠松石觀音坐像(拍品1),及一尊十七世紀藏傳銅鎏金菩薩坐像,或出自扎什吉彩作坊(拍品7)。此諸造像,工藝精妙,皆顯維勒斯博士鑒賞高品質藝術品之眼光。

A European Private Collection of Chinese Sculpture, Ceramics and Works of Art | 歐洲私人收藏 - 中國雕塑、陶瓷及藝術品
The present collection, acquired at auction and through from specialist dealers across Europe, is a testimony to the collector's long standing passion for Asia. The collection began with a small group of important works inherited from the current owner’s father, including a rare Northern Wei figure of a Buddha acquired from the philosopher Friedrich Alfred Noerr (1874-1969) in 1963 (lot 55). Growing over years of careful purchase, highlights from the present collection include rare examples of Song ceramics, including several intriguing pieces selected for the London exhibition of the Oriental Ceramic Society, China Without Dragons, in 2016 (lots 47, 59, 63 and 67); a curious Ming dynasty ‘Xiniu’ mirror stand (lot 69); a rare fahua meiping (lot 68), and a Transitional rouleau vase beautifully painted in vibrant hues of cobalt (lot 162).
本收藏展現藏家對亞洲藝術之久遠熱情,始於藏家先父遺留之一小批重要作品,其中包括北魏六世紀石灰岩雕佛立像一尊(拍品55),此像乃於1963年自哲學家弗里德里希·阿爾弗雷德·諾爾(Friedrich Alfred Noerr, 1874-1969)處購得。本收藏多數來拍賣及歐洲古董商,歷經多年精心蒐羅,本藏亮點包括數件珍罕宋代陶瓷,部分曾借展於2016年倫敦東方陶瓷學會《無龍之中國》展覽(拍品47、59、63及67);另有明代犀牛望月鏡架一件(拍品69);罕見琺華花卉紋梅瓶一尊(拍品68),以及明末清初十七世紀青花芭蕉麒麟圖筒瓶一件(拍品162)。

Important Sculptures, Paintings and Works of Art from a European Collection | 歐洲重要雕塑、繪畫及藝術品收藏
This erudite collection has been assembled over the years by a group of collectors and great lovers of Asian art. Coordinated by the late Jean-Luc Enguehard (1950-2016), a well-known figure in the Indian and Himalayan art circles of Paris, and guided by Gilles Béguin, the former curator of the Cernuschi Museum, this group offers a wide range of important and well provenanced examples of Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Buddhist sculpture and painting.
此收藏博古通今,乃由一眾亞洲藝術愛好者暨收藏家歷年精心所成。由已故印度及喜馬拉雅藝術界名士讓-呂克·昂蓋哈(Jean-Luc Enguehard, 1950-2016)帶領,並由瑟努奇博物館名譽總研究員吉爾·貝金(Gilles Béguin)指導。此團體蒐羅諸多來源可靠之重要印度、喜馬拉雅及東南亞佛教雕塑與繪畫作品。

The Opulent Life of the Qing Court: Ceramics, Huanghuali Furniture, Imperial Robes and Works of Art | 清宮華貴:瓷器、黃花梨家具、吉袍及藝術品
This sale features a number of well preserved, regal textiles from the Qing court, including dragon robes (lots 120-121) and a monumental imperial hall carpet (lot 132). Some fine examples of ceramics, including a rare doucai ‘narcissus’ dish (lot 118), ‘dragon’ jars (lot 125), and a grand famille-rose ‘immortals’ vase (lot 128) are the highlights of this category. Huanghuali tables (lots 107, 116 and 139) and the largest of all known imperial seals from the Empress Dowager Cixi (lot 133), are also to be offered: lasting symbols of the grandeur and opulence of life at the Qing court.

Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, including the Collection of Mr. Chen Ding (1894-1971) | 古典中國繪畫與書法,包括陳定先生(1894-1971)收藏
The collection of family heirlooms from diplomat Chen Ding (1894-1917) is represented by a touching ensemble of fan paintings and calligraphy that surfaced in France, preserved by his descendants for over 50 years. The collection includes a rare surviving example of the Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra completed by Weng Fanggang (1733-1818): a sutra the artist had resolved to copy out four times each year for 22 years until his death in 1817. This sutra, together with a set of letter from Weng Fanggang to his friend Huang Yi (1733-181) and fine calligraphy by Lin Zexu (1785-1850) and an ancestor Chen Jichang (1791-1849), were sent to Chen Ding from China during his diplomatic posting abroad in the 1960s by his elder brother Chen Meigong (1878-1975).

Vietnamese Modern Art, including a Masterpiece by Nguyễn Phan Chánh (1892-1984) | 越南現代藝術,包括阮潘正重要傑作《鄉間之吟》
The Vietnamese modern art section of the sale features a wistful portrait of a lady seated by a window gently touching a narcissus by Mai Trung Thứ (1906-1980); a rare ceramic head by Vũ Cao Đàm (1908-2000) – one of few produced through a contract with the Manufacture de Sèvres in France – and a seminal masterpiece by Nguyễn Phan Chánh (1892-1984), Les Chanteuses de Campagne, one of very few oil on canvas works ever produced by the artist. This important work was first presented at an exhibition of the École des Beaux Arts de l’Indochine in Hanoi in 1930, before being sent to Paris for the International Colonial Exhibition of 1931 where it was acquired by the grandparents of the present owner in whose family collection it has remained ever since.