Live Auction: 5 October 2020 • 09:00 PM HKT • Hong Kong | 拍賣:2020年10月5日 • 下午9:00 HKT • 香港
T his autumn, Sotheby’s is pleased to present one of the rarest and most coveted wonders of nature: A Highly Important 102.39 carat D Colour Flawless Oval Diamond. Only seven D colour Internally Flawless or Flawless white diamonds over 100 carats have been sold at auction, making this the eighth. In an unprecedented move, this perfect diamond will be offered without reserve. This approach marks the first time in auction history that a diamond of this calibre, or any work of art or an object of such importance and inherent value, will be offered in this way.
In the gemstone industry, as in most other luxury markets, the rarity of an object directly correlates with its desirability. For perspective on the rarity of the 102.39 ct Oval Brilliant in the diamond market, consider this statistic: less than one-half of one percent of all stones over one carat submitted to GIA annually are D, Internally Flawless, or D, Flawless. It is rare for any diamond to possess D-color and Flawless clarity, let alone one of 102.39 carats.
一如其他奢侈品市場,在寶石產業中,一件物品的稀有度與需求程度有直接關係。以這顆 102.39 卡拉橢圓形巨鑽在市場上的稀有度為例,在所有經美國寶石學院(GIA)認證、重量逾 1 卡拉的鑽石之中,只有少於 0.5% 獲評定為 D 色內部無瑕,或 D 色無瑕。D 色無瑕鑽石本已十分罕有,重達 102.39 卡拉的鑽石更是萬中無一。
The 102.39ct Oval Brilliant diamond’s stunning appearance cannot be attributed to nature alone. Transforming bulky rough into a graceful, glittering gem is indeed an exacting art, requiring experience, vision, and a tremendous amount of patience. In this regard, the 102.39ct Oval Brilliant diamond is as much a work of human ingenuity as it is of nature. Its spectacular fashioning has coaxed the best out of this massive gem, which consequently displays the finest in color and clarity.
這顆璀璨矚目的 102.39 卡拉橢圓形巨鑽,不止是大自然的鬼斧神工。要讓一顆巨大原石蛻變成瑰麗無雙的鑽石,需要豐富經驗、過人眼光,以及無與倫比的耐性,是一門要求嚴謹、一絲不茍的藝術。由此可見,這顆 102.39 卡拉橢圓形巨鑽不止是大自然的餽贈,更是人類工藝的成就。鑽石工匠的卓越奇藝,令這顆體積碩然的鑽石呈現最佳成色及淨度,展露無上光華。
102.39 carat Flawless Diamond will be live streamed on 5 October at 9pm. Viewers will be able to access the multi-camera auction on the page linked below.