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American Queen Anne Mahogany Side Chair
1,800 USD
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2,620 USD
The Water Vase
860 USD
A Vase In Grey-Blue Jasper With Reliefs Of The Muses
The Wine Vase
Crystaline Agate Vase With Four Handles
A Cup And Saucer, Flower Pot, And Teapot
A Large Jardinière in Jasper
Jardinière in White and Two Vases in Blue Jasper
Three Vases In Grey-Blue Jasper
Green and Tri-Color Jasper Wedgwood Vases
La Manna Le Matin / El Mediodia Le Midi / Eldespues de Comer L'Apres Diner / Le Soir La Tarde
5,910 USD
Water Fowl
5,100 USD
The Delivery of the Definitive Treaty by the Hostage Princes into the Hands of Lord Cornwallis
12,920 USD
Tufted Queen Bed
1,600 USD
Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match
German Hand-Colored Peony Engravings
16,750 USD
Flowers, Insects and Fruits
10,880 USD
Todda Panna Botanical Engravings
4,760 USD
Georgian Style Tall Cabinet
1,360 USD
Aloes in Decorative Pots Mezzotints
27,200 USD
25,160 USD
8,160 USD
Écru and Gris Foncé Wool and Cashmere Small Avalon Pillows
2,000 USD
Gris Fonce and Ecru Wool and Cashmere Avalon Throw Blanket
2,500 USD
Crystal and Wood Folia Portable Lamp
1,950 USD
Gris Perle Cabriole Merino Wool and Cashmere Avalon Throw Blanket
English Colored Bunting Engraving
Écorce Merino Wool and Cashmere Brandebourgs Blanket
Écorce Brandebourg Wool and Cashmere Throw Pillow
900 USD
Écru Rouge H Merino Wool and Cashmere Avalon III Pillow
1,000 USD
Outremer Indigo Wool and Cashmere Avalon Jump'H Pillow PM
Écru and Rouge Cashmere and Merino Wool Avalon III Throw Blanket
Tulip Floor Lamp
1,425 USD