Painting and Calligraphy on fans from the Xiao Wan Liu Tang Collection II 扇海─小萬柳堂舊藏明清書畫扇面 II

Painting and Calligraphy on fans from the Xiao Wan Liu Tang Collection II 扇海─小萬柳堂舊藏明清書畫扇面 II

Voir en plein écran - Voir 1 du lot 8098. 惲壽平 桃花柳樹圖|Yun Shouping, Peach Blossom and Willow Tree.

惲壽平 桃花柳樹圖|Yun Shouping, Peach Blossom and Willow Tree

La vente aux enchères débute à:

April 10, 02:00 AM GMT


100,000 - 200,000 HKD

Description du lot

繁體中文版Read in English
繁體中文版Read in English


惲壽平 桃花柳樹圖

設色紙本 扇面


鑑藏印:(宮本昂) 「宮子行玉父共欣賞」、「宮子行同弟玉父寶之」



Yun Shouping 1633-1690

Peach Blossom and Willow Tree

ink and colour on paper, fan leaf

signed Nantian Shouping, dated guichou (1673) and with one seal of the artist

with two collector’s seals of Gong Benang (1821-1874)

16.3 x 51.2 cm. 6 ⅜ x 20 ⅛ in.