Master Paintings Part II
Master Paintings Part II
Portrait of a Venetian Senator with a Young Boy
Live auction begins on:
February 6, 07:00 PM GMT
60,000 - 80,000 USD
42,000 USD
Lot Details
Jacopo Robusti, called Jacopo Tintoretto
Venice 1518 - 1594
Portrait of a Venetian Senator with a Young Boy
oil on canvas
canvas: 42 by 32 in.; 106.5 by 81.5 cm
framed: 51 ½ by 40 ½ in.; 130.8 by 102.8 cm
A.L. Nicholson, London, by 1926;
Herman Rasch (1879-1957), Stockholm, by 1927;
From whom acquired by Åke Wiberg, Stockholm, 1944, for 200,000 kr.;
Thence by descent to the present collector.
A. Venturi, "Ritratti del Tintoretto", in L'Arte 29 (1926) pp. 195-196, reproduced fig. 1;
A. Venturi, Studi dal Vero, Attraverso le raccolte artistiche d'Europa, Milan 1927, pp. 303-304, reproduced fig. 193;
O. Sirén, in Nationalmusei årsbok, Stockholm 1927, pp. 72-75, reproduced fig. 39;
A. Venturi, Storia dell' Arte Italiana, vol. IX, part 4, Milan 1929, pp. 596-598, reproduced fig. 428;
E. von der Bercken, Die Gemälde des Jacopo Tintoretto, Munich 1942, p. 121, cat. no. 310;
Italienska tavlor, teckningar och skulpturer ur svenska och finska samlingar, exhibition catalogue, Stockholm 1944, p. 67, cat. no. 130;
Konstens Venedig, Utställning anordnad med anledning av Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs åttioårsdag, exhibition catalogue, Stockholm 1962, p. 105, cat. no. 109, reproduced fig. 21;
P. Rossi, "Osservazioni sui Ritratti di Jacopo Tintoretto," in Arte Veneta 23 (1969), p. 81, reproduced fig. 95;
P. Rossi, Jacopo Tintoretto, Venice 1974, vol. I, I Ritratti, p. 122, reproduced fig. 174;
E. Weddingen, "Thomas Philologus Ravennas," in Saggi e Memorie di Storia dell'arte 9 (1974), pp. 17, 166-167, reproduced figs. 45-46 ("Tomaso Rangone and his son Marius (?)").
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, Italienska tavlor, teckningar och skulpturer, ur svenska och finska samlingar, 3 March - 14 April 1944, no. 130 (lent by Herman Rasch);
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, Konstens Venedig, Utställning anordnad med anledning av Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs åttioårsdag, 20 October 1962 - 10 February 1963, no. 109 (lent by Åke Wiberg).
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