Fine Jewelry

Fine Jewelry

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 45. Collier diamant | Diamond necklace .

Collier diamant | Diamond necklace


17,000 - 26,000 EUR

Lot Details


Entièrement serti de diamants taille brillant, l'un pesant 1.37 carats, le fermoir réhaussé d'un diamant taille marquise, longueur 450 mm environ, poinçon français d'import pour le platine (850°/00), poids brut 79.31 g.

Accompagnée d'un certifcat gemmologique.

Set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, one of which is weighing 1.37 carats, the clasp accented with a marquise-shaped diamond, length approximately 450mm, French import assay mark for platinum, gross weight 79.31 grams.

Accompanied by a gemmological report.

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