Fine Jewelry

Fine Jewelry

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 178. Broche perle de culture et diamant | Cultured pearl and diamond brooch.

Property of a Lady

Broche perle de culture et diamant | Cultured pearl and diamond brooch

Auction Closed

March 26, 04:38 PM GMT


5,500 - 8,500 EUR

Lot Details


A décor floral, retenant et sertie de perles de culture, réhaussée de diamants taille brillant, dimensions 80 x 55 mm, poinçon français d'import pour l'or 18K (750°/00), poids brut 53.23 g.

Of floral design, suspending and set with cultured pearls, further set with brilliant-cut diamonds, measuring approximately 80 x 55mm, French import assay mark for 18 carat gold, gross weight 53.23 grams.

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