Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

全萤幕检视 - 查看2526馬賁 百雁圖 | Ma Ben, Geese on the Waterfront的1

馬賁 百雁圖 | Ma Ben, Geese on the Waterfront


1,000,000 - 2,000,000 HKD


繁體中文版Read in English
繁體中文版Read in English


馬賁(宋) 百雁圖

設色絹本 手卷



款識:元祐二年(1087) 八月河中馬賁筆。


(王逢) 老愚離羣影久孤,客來笑示百雁圖。揩眵試數失兩箇,莫喻畫意翻令呼。得非長門報秋使,或是大窖傳書奴。不然一舉千里高鴻俱,其餘淟淚碌瑣徒,且唼且息翔且呼。營營鄭圃田之稷,睢睢齊海隅之菰。遑知爾更銜爾蘆,瓠肥卒至充人廚。小而曰鶀亦就笯,邇聞澤梁弛禁官罷虞,麋鹿魚鼈同少蘇,羽儀好在春雲。河中馬賁元祐、紹聖間人,長於百雁百鴉百鹿百牛等圖,雖極繁夥而位置不亂。此卷尤為傑出也,可不寶哉!王逢並識。鈐印:「梧谿王逢」、「席帽山人」

(葉衍蘭) 光緒辛巳(1881) 夏至前三日,南雪葉衍蘭獲觀於京師席氏澄華閣。鈐印:「葉衍蘭」、「蘭臺」









Ma Ben, Geese on the Waterfront

ink and colour on silk, handscroll

signed Ma Ben and dated the second year of the Yuanyou era (1087)

Frontispiece by Xu Chu (Ming Dynasty) and with one seal of his

Colophons by Wang Feng (Yuan Dynasty) and with two seals of his; by Ye Yanlan (1823-1897), dated xinsi (1881) and with two seals of his

with three collector's seals of Zhao Gou (1107-1187), one collector's seal of Liu Xi (Song Dynasty), one collector's seal of Wanyan Jing (1168-1208), six collector's seals of Zhu Gang (1358-1398), seven collector's seals of Pan Zhengwei (1791-1850), eight collector's seals of Wang Hongxu (1645-1723) and two other collectors' seals

22.5 by 240.5 cm. 8⅞ by 94⅝ in.