Three Poets: William Blake, A. E. Housman, Robert Frost

Three Poets: William Blake, A. E. Housman, Robert Frost

Three Poets: William Blake, A. E. Housman, Robert Frost

3 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

3 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

William Blake | “Poems with very wild and interesting pictures”

1 William Blake | “Poems with very wild and interesting pictures”

A[lfred]. E[dward]. Housman | “The only merits of any edition are correctness and legibility.”

2 A[lfred]. E[dward]. Housman | “The only merits of any edition are correctness and legibility.”

Robert Frost | “I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.”

3 Robert Frost | “I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.”