Ritual and Reality | 天人之際

Ritual and Reality | 天人之際

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1019. Two bronze reticulated 'dragon' incense burners, late Western Zhou dynasty | 西周晚期 青銅龍紋熏爐兩件.

The Le Gu Zhai Collection 樂古齋收藏

Two bronze reticulated 'dragon' incense burners, late Western Zhou dynasty | 西周晚期 青銅龍紋熏爐兩件

Lot Closed

April 17, 03:27 AM GMT


100,000 - 150,000 HKD

Lot Details


Two bronze reticulated 'dragon' incense burners

Late Western Zhou dynasty

西周晚期 青銅龍紋熏爐兩件

l. 19.3 and 22.4 cm

Collection of Patricia Bauman and John Landrum Bryant.

TK Asian Antiquities, New York.


Patricia Bauman 及 John Landrum Bryant伉俪收藏

TK Asian Antiquities,纽约

TK Asian Antiquities, A Selection of Chinese Masterpieces From The Bauman-Bryant Collection, New York, 2006.


TK Asian Antiquities,《A Selection of Chinese Masterpieces From The Bauman-Bryant Collection》,纽约,2006年