Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 92. The New York Collection for Stockholm.

Various Artists

The New York Collection for Stockholm


15,000 - 25,000 USD

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Lot Details


Various Artists

The New York Collection for Stockholm

each signed (except the de Maria, Haacke, and Lichtenstein; the Noland with the stamped signature) and numbered 142/300, 14 dated; also numbered on the interior of the lid and title page

the complete portfolio of 30 prints, 11 printed in colors, comprising 17 screenprints, nine lithographs, two lithographs with screenprint, one photocopy and one photograph, on various papers, with the title and justification pages, contained in the original typeset paper folders and Honduras mahogany box

largest sheet: 9 by 12 in. 228 by 304 mm.

overall: 13¾ by 10¾ by 1⅜ in. 350 by 273 by 35 mm.

Executed in 1973; this portfolio is number 142 from the edition of 300, published by Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc.

(30 prints)

This lot comprises works by the following artists:

Lee Bontecou

Robert Breer

John Chamberlain

Walter de Maria

Jim Dine

Mark Di Suvero

Öyvind Fahlström

Dan Flavin

Red Grooms

Hans Haacke

Alex Hay

Donald Judd

Ellsworth Kelly

Sol LeWitt

Roy Lichtenstein

Robert Morris

Louise Nevelson

Kenneth Noland

Claes Oldenburg

Nam June Paik

Robert Rauschenberg

Larry Rivers

James Rosenquist

George Segal

Richard Serra

Keith Sonnier

Richard Stankiewicz

Cy Twombly

Andy Warhol

Robert Whitman