Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 849. 張瑞圖  草書仲長統《樂志論》 | Zhang Ruitu, Poems in Running Script.

張瑞圖  草書仲長統《樂志論》 | Zhang Ruitu, Poems in Running Script


800,000 - 1,600,000 HKD

Lot Details


Zhang Ruitu 1570-1641

Poems in Running Script

ink on paper, album of twenty-four leaves

signed, dated 1626, with 2 seals of the artist

Colophon by Liu Zhichu, dated 1836 and with 2 seals; by Chen Rongshi, dated 1837 and with 3 seals

With 3 collector's seals of Pan Zuyao (1942-2022) and 6 of others'

22.8 x 13 cm. 9 x 5 cm. (24)


張瑞圖 1570-1641


水墨紙本  二十四開冊






〈陳榮試〉余生平所觀白毫庵書不下百十本,殊少當意。今觀此冊如枯籐繞樹,高峯插雲;又如生龍活虎,今人不可捉摸,備極用筆之妙,摩□累日,不忍釋手。□嘆曩所獲覩者,皆贗鼎也。劉君露香謂得見廬山真面目,可謂先得我心矣,主人其頭目護之。道光丁酉(1837)禊節,秋厓陳榮試識於雲蘿仙館。鈐印:「榮試之印」、「秋厓」、 一印漫漶不辨。

22.8 x 13 cm. 9 x 5 cm. (24)

1. In Pursuit of Antiquities: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong, 1995, pp. 68-69, fig. 32

2. In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong, 2001, pp. 132-137, fig. 39


1.〈好古敏求 : 敏求精舍三十五週年紀念展〉(香港,香港市政局,一九九五年),頁68-69,圖版32

2. 〈好古敏求 : 敏求精舍四十週年紀念展〉(香港,康樂及文化事務署,二○ ○一年),頁132-137,圖版39

In Pursuit of Antiquities: Thirty-fifth Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 22 December 1995 – 18 February 1996

2. In Pursuit of Antiquities: 40th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 7 June 2001 – 26 June 2001


1.〈好古敏求 : 敏求精舍三十五週年紀念展〉,香港藝術館,一九九五年十二月二十二日至一九九六年二月十八日

2. 〈好古敏求 : 敏求精舍四十週年紀念展〉,香港藝術館,二○ ○一年六月七日至二十六日