Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

Power & Culture – Heirlooms from the Poon Family Collection

7 October - 16 October 2024 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 02:00 AM GMT

解縉 草書曹唐詩兩首 | Xie Jin, Poems in Cursive Script

801 解縉 草書曹唐詩兩首 | Xie Jin, Poems in Cursive Script

劉墉、吳榮光、翁方綱等諸家 清代名賢手札 | Various Artist (Qing Dynasty), Letters

802 劉墉、吳榮光、翁方綱等諸家 清代名賢手札 | Various Artist (Qing Dynasty), Letters

A coral-red enamelled tripod incense burner, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 珊瑚紅釉沖天耳三足爐 《雍正年製》款

803 A coral-red enamelled tripod incense burner, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 珊瑚紅釉沖天耳三足爐 《雍正年製》款

魏之璜、魏之克 山水扇面冊 | Wei Zhihuang and Wei Zhike, Landscape on Fan Leaves

804 魏之璜、魏之克 山水扇面冊 | Wei Zhihuang and Wei Zhike, Landscape on Fan Leaves

王思任  草書 《仰天坪》 | Wang Siren, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

805 王思任  草書 《仰天坪》 | Wang Siren, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

A large huanghuali travelling box, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨提樑多寶箱

806 A large huanghuali travelling box, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨提樑多寶箱

徐有貞、祝允明、張弼、李夢陽等 《明十家書翰》| Various Ming Artists, Calligraphy

807 徐有貞、祝允明、張弼、李夢陽等 《明十家書翰》| Various Ming Artists, Calligraphy

An exceptional Junyao purple-splashed zhadou-form flowerpot, Ming dynasty, early 15th century | 明十五世紀初 鈞窰玫瑰紫釉渣斗式花盆 底刻「三」字

808 An exceptional Junyao purple-splashed zhadou-form flowerpot, Ming dynasty, early 15th century | 明十五世紀初 鈞窰玫瑰紫釉渣斗式花盆 底刻「三」字

黃道周 鄴侯山記 | Huang Daozhou, Calligraphy in Regular Script

809 黃道周 鄴侯山記 | Huang Daozhou, Calligraphy in Regular Script

王榖祥 折枝花卉卷 | Wang Guxiang, Flowers

810 王榖祥 折枝花卉卷 | Wang Guxiang, Flowers

A pair of small huanghuali cabinets with stands, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨小圓角櫃一對帶座

811 A pair of small huanghuali cabinets with stands, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨小圓角櫃一對帶座

傅山 草書節錄杜甫《可惜》  | Fu Shan, Calligraphy in cursive script

812 傅山 草書節錄杜甫《可惜》 | Fu Shan, Calligraphy in cursive script

傅山 草書節錄韋應物《月下會徐十一草堂》 | Fu Shan, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

813 傅山 草書節錄韋應物《月下會徐十一草堂》 | Fu Shan, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

A small Junyao tripod incense burner, Song dynasty | 宋 鈞窰天藍釉三足爐

814 A small Junyao tripod incense burner, Song dynasty | 宋 鈞窰天藍釉三足爐

張元澄 草書《雍陶和孫明府懷舊山七絕》| Zhang Yuancheng, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

815 張元澄 草書《雍陶和孫明府懷舊山七絕》| Zhang Yuancheng, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

屠隆 草書詩卷 | Tu Long, Poems in Cursive Script

816 屠隆 草書詩卷 | Tu Long, Poems in Cursive Script

王穀祥 花卉扇面冊 | Wang Guxiang, Album of Flowers on fan leaves

817 王穀祥 花卉扇面冊 | Wang Guxiang, Album of Flowers on fan leaves

A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, sichutou guanmaoyi, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨瑞獸紋四出頭官帽椅成對

818 A pair of huanghuali yokeback armchairs, sichutou guanmaoyi, Ming dynasty, 17th century | 明十七世紀 黃花梨瑞獸紋四出頭官帽椅成對

董其昌 行書《燕然山銘》| Dong Qichang, Calligraphy in Running Script

819 董其昌 行書《燕然山銘》| Dong Qichang, Calligraphy in Running Script

王原祁、王翬等清諸家 國朝名賢書畫冊 | Various Artists (Qing Dynasty), Landscapes and Calligraphy

820 王原祁、王翬等清諸家 國朝名賢書畫冊 | Various Artists (Qing Dynasty), Landscapes and Calligraphy

楊晉 張憶孃簪花圖 | Yang Jin, Portrait of Zhang Yiniang

821 楊晉 張憶孃簪花圖 | Yang Jin, Portrait of Zhang Yiniang

A Junyao purple and blue-glazed tripod narcissus bowl, Ming dynasty | 明 鈞窰紫釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 底刻「五」及「八」字、一足內刻「八」字

822 A Junyao purple and blue-glazed tripod narcissus bowl, Ming dynasty | 明 鈞窰紫釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 底刻「五」及「八」字、一足內刻「八」字

楊維楨 致道林札 | Yang Weizhen, Letter

823 楊維楨 致道林札 | Yang Weizhen, Letter

(傳)趙孟頫 初六至吳帖 | Attributed to Zhao Mengfu, Letter

824 (傳)趙孟頫 初六至吳帖 | Attributed to Zhao Mengfu, Letter

A pair of zitan and blackwood display cabinets, Late Qing dynasty | 清末 紫檀配黑木多寶格一對

825 A pair of zitan and blackwood display cabinets, Late Qing dynasty | 清末 紫檀配黑木多寶格一對

唐寅(款) 草書五言聯 | Attributed to Tang Yin, Poem in Cursive Script

826 唐寅(款) 草書五言聯 | Attributed to Tang Yin, Poem in Cursive Script

A white-glazed 'lotus' box and cover, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 白釉蓮子蓋盒 《大清雍正年製》款

827 A white-glazed 'lotus' box and cover, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 白釉蓮子蓋盒 《大清雍正年製》款

何紹基 行書杜甫丹青引贈曹將軍霸詩 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script

828 何紹基 行書杜甫丹青引贈曹將軍霸詩 | He Shaoji, Calligraphy in Running Script

陸治 金明寺圖 | Lu Zhi, Jinming Temple

829 陸治 金明寺圖 | Lu Zhi, Jinming Temple

A zitan corner-leg table, tiaozhuo, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 紫檀花卉拐子龍有束腰條桌

830 A zitan corner-leg table, tiaozhuo, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century | 清十八至十九世紀 紫檀花卉拐子龍有束腰條桌

沈粲 草書《墨寶堂記》| Shen Can, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

831 沈粲 草書《墨寶堂記》| Shen Can, Calligraphy in Cursive Script

石濤 花卉詩冊 | Shitao, Flowers and Poems

832 石濤 花卉詩冊 | Shitao, Flowers and Poems

王鐸、歸昌世等唐明人 唐明人小楷合冊 | Wang Duo, Gui Changshi and Anonymous, Calligraphy in Regular Script

833 王鐸、歸昌世等唐明人 唐明人小楷合冊 | Wang Duo, Gui Changshi and Anonymous, Calligraphy in Regular Script

A huanghuali chest, Qing dynasty | 清 黃花梨百寶箱

834 A huanghuali chest, Qing dynasty | 清 黃花梨百寶箱

張瑞圖 草書節錄李白《陪族叔刑部侍郎曄及中》 | Zhang Ruitu, Poems in Running Script

835 張瑞圖 草書節錄李白《陪族叔刑部侍郎曄及中》 | Zhang Ruitu, Poems in Running Script

文徵明 行書《明妃曲》| Wen Zhengming, Poem in Running Script

836 文徵明 行書《明妃曲》| Wen Zhengming, Poem in Running Script

A reticulated zitan and blackwood 'dragon' cabinet, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 紫檀配黑木透雕雲龍紋四層櫃

837 A reticulated zitan and blackwood 'dragon' cabinet, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 紫檀配黑木透雕雲龍紋四層櫃

董其昌  臨宋四家書法卷 | Dong Qichang, Calligraphy after Song masters

838 董其昌  臨宋四家書法卷 | Dong Qichang, Calligraphy after Song masters

祝允明  草書《元宵大雪無燈詩十首》| Zhu Yunming, CALLIGRAPHY IN CURSIVE SCRIPT

839 祝允明  草書《元宵大雪無燈詩十首》| Zhu Yunming, CALLIGRAPHY IN CURSIVE SCRIPT

明諸家  山水扇冊 | Various Artists, Landscapes

840 明諸家  山水扇冊 | Various Artists, Landscapes

A Cizhou white-glazed sgraffiato 'peony' jar, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 磁州白釉剔牡丹紋吐魯瓶

841 A Cizhou white-glazed sgraffiato 'peony' jar, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 磁州白釉剔牡丹紋吐魯瓶

A huanghuali scroll pot, Qing dynasty | 清 黃花梨畫斗

842 A huanghuali scroll pot, Qing dynasty | 清 黃花梨畫斗

文徵明  楷書《赤壁賦》 | Wen Zhengming, Red Cliff Ode in Regular Script

843 文徵明  楷書《赤壁賦》 | Wen Zhengming, Red Cliff Ode in Regular Script

王鐸  仿米芾行草書 | Wang Duo, Calligraphy after Mi Fu

844 王鐸  仿米芾行草書 | Wang Duo, Calligraphy after Mi Fu

祝允明  草書《天馬賦》| Zhu Yunming, POEMS IN CURSIVE SCRIPT

845 祝允明  草書《天馬賦》| Zhu Yunming, POEMS IN CURSIVE SCRIPT

清諸家  名賢書法集錦  | Various Artist (Qing Dynasty), Calligraphy

846 清諸家  名賢書法集錦 | Various Artist (Qing Dynasty), Calligraphy

A rare set of four huanghuali side chairs, dengguayi, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century | 清十七至十八世紀 黃花梨燈掛椅四件成堂

847 A rare set of four huanghuali side chairs, dengguayi, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century | 清十七至十八世紀 黃花梨燈掛椅四件成堂

陳元輔  草書自書詩兩首 | Chen Yuanfu, Poems in Cursive Script

848 陳元輔  草書自書詩兩首 | Chen Yuanfu, Poems in Cursive Script