Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
Fine Classical Chinese Paintings
王南屏「玉齋」及家族收藏古代書畫,拍品編號 2595–2616|Ancient Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy From the Wang Nan-ping Collection, Lot 2595-2616
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April 7, 01:34 PM GMT
2,000,000 - 3,000,000 HKD
Description du lot
Ancient Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy From the Wang Nan-ping Collection, Lot 2595-2616
Wang Shimin (1592-1680)
Landscape after Ni Zan
ink on paper, hanging scroll
signed Wang Shimin, dated bingwu (1666) and with 3 seals of the artist
with 2 collectors' seals
Titleslip by Wu Zhi (1878-1949), dated bingxu (1946)
99 x 45.5 cm. 39 x 18 in.
王南屏「玉齋」及家族收藏古代書畫,拍品編號 2595–2616
水墨紙本 立軸
款識:倪高士有《雅宜山圖》。 丙午(1666)夏日戲仿其意,似勤中年社翁笑正。王時敏。鈐印:「王時敏印」、「煙客」、「真寄」
(顧畊湄) 「畊湄珍秘」
99 x 45.5 cm. 39 x 18 in.
1. Richard M. Barnhart, James Cahill and Nanping Wang, eds., The Jade Studio : Masterpieces of Ming and Qing Painting and Calligraphy from the Wong Nan-p’ing Collection, (New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery), 1994, pp. 148, 150, no. 38
2. Tian Hong, Overseas Collections in the Twentieth Century: Wang Nanping’s Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings, vol. 2, (Tainjin: Tainjin People’s Fine Arts Press), 2015, p.345, pl. 112
for the rest, please refer to the Chinese Literature.
1. 班宗華,高居翰,王南屏,《玉齋珍藏明清書畫精選》(紐黑文:耶魯大學美術館),1994,頁148、150,編號 38
2. 田洪編著,《二十世紀海外藏家——王南屏藏中國古代繪畫(中卷)》 (天津:天津人民美術出版社),2015,頁345,圖112
3. 徐邦達編,《中國繪畫史圖錄 下》(上海:上海人民美術出版社),1984,頁706,編號451
4. 陳振濂,《陳振濂談中國繪畫史 4: 明清》(浙江:浙江古籍出版社),2007,頁40
1. 童叶庚(1828-1899),字友蓮,號松君,晚號睫巢,齋室名百鏡齋,上海崇明人。科舉出身,歷任浙江數地縣丞,曾以七巧板為基礎,增至十五塊,並拼出《千字文》,日後收錄於《益智圖千字文》。咸豐間以軍功擢升德清知縣,落職後,光緒間歸隱吳門,遂以金石書畫自操,頗延時譽。博學嗜古,手抄羣籍,多海內孤本。
2. 顧畊湄(1904-?),民國時創辦上海大公醫院並任院長,喜書畫收藏,上世紀四五十年代與滬上藝壇諸家過從頻密,尤好扇畫,所藏皆精。